Chapter 13

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At least that's what I thought, until Harry and Ron burst through and started firing spells.  Ron went over and got Hermione while I pushed back on Bellatrix and duelled with her while, Harry started to duel with Malfoy.  There were spells everywhere.  Then I got over on the other side of the room where the others were.  We continued duelling until we heard a squeak.

I looked up to see Dobby, the house elf unscrewing the part of the chandelier.  I was confused.  What was he trying to do?  I remember Dobby from our second year, and his wacko ways of protecting Harry from harm.  What was he going to do this time?

Bellatrix looked up and screamed "DOBBY?!?!"  Lucius looked up as well, since Dobby used to be his house elf, until Harry had sneakily gotten Lucius to give Dobby clothes, well, socks.  He had been a free elf ever since.  

He continued unscrewing the part of the chandelier, unaware of Bellatrix's question.  Suddenly, it came crashing down and Dobby apparated to where we were, still standing gobsmacked.  Bellatrix nearly got squashed by it.  She then screamed at Dobby "How DARE you do that!  You nearly killed me!" "Well you see…Dobby didn't want to kill…….more to seriously injure….." he said but Bellatrix then screamed again "How DARE you though!  You're still a house elf!!"

Dobby stood tall and then stated "Dobby has no master.  Dobby is FREE elf!"  Bellatrix looked shocked and couldn't believe that he had talked back.  "How DARE you talk back to me you filthy scumbag!!" The others then looked at each other and Lucius pulled up his sleeve.  

His dark mark was showing and he muttered "We have to contact the Dark Lord, since we have who we need."  He was just about to touch it but Dobby grabbed us all by our fingers.  "Be ready!" he said as we apparated.  The last thing I saw was Bellatrix hurling the blood stained knife at us.  I didn't know if it came with us.  We would only find out.  

We were suddenly by the sea.  Where were we?  I looked around and Ron said "Shell Cottage."  It must be a safe house I thought as I looked out to the sea as the waves crashed on the shore.  Bill and Fleur must be here.  I looked back to see Dobby and the knife in his stomach.  It probably stabbed him.  I saw all the blood that had come out.  

We couldn't save him.  Harry looked up as the tears were in his eyes.  "Anything…..???" he said and I shook my head as the tears came to my eyes.  We watched Dobby slowly die.  His eyes were still open.  They didn't close when he died.

Luna had come over and closed his lids herself.  She then whispered "Now he's sleeping."  Luna was so sweet.  Even though she had been imprisoned by the death eaters.  They had gotten her from the train home.  They also had a goblin called Griphook and Ollivander.  

Harry looked at Dobby then stated, "I'm going to bury him.  Myself.  No magic."  That's exactly what he did.  He carried his body up a dune and started to dig a hole with a shovel.  Using his own sweat he dug Dobby's grave.  He also got a stone and engraved "Here Lies Dobby, a free elf, RIP".  

I was glad that Harry had given those socks to Dobby years ago.  So that Dobby could die with a grave and as a free elf.  He would now get watched by the free sea gulls.  He had the sea to now look at.  The sea he had barely gotten to see before he died.  

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now