Chapter 16

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I looked out to London's skyline and daydreamed.  I almost went into a daze.  I then another one of those flashbacks.  Great.  

It was Hermione, Ron and Harry and they were on a large white dragon, and were gliding through the air.  They then jumped off into a crystal lake as the dragon continued on.  They nearly drowned, but thankfully they all surfaced and swam to the shore.  They quickly dried their clothes and Harry was talking.  I was just about tot make out what he was saying.

Something about Hogwarts…..horcrux…….at Hogwarts!  How?!  I ignored that thought as I tried to get the remaining information.  Ravenclaw………Hogsmeade.  It was all I was able to catch before I went blank. 

I processed what I had just gotten.  So now Hermione, Ron and Harry were in the middle of nowhere, and they had to go to Hogwarts so they could get a horcrux, that probably had to do with Ravenclaw.  They needed to apparate to Hogsmeade to get there.  

Now what?  I realized the only thing I could do.  Jake and I had to apparate to Hogwarts.  Make that Hogsmeade, since the dementors that are rumoured to guard the castle are around.  Plus, I knew that the apparation charms would be up around the grouds. There were probably dementors located in Hogsmeade too, but not as many.  

Jake hated my idea.  "NO WAY!" he reasoned, trying to convince me.  "We are NOT going to risk OUR lives to find something that the others can easily find themselves!" he said as I fought back "But what if something happens to the others?!  I PROMISED them and Dumbledore I would continue with the mission if they couldn't do it!" I said trying to prove a point.  

He sighed and sat down on the couch.  He ran his hands through his hair.  He was exasperated from trying to convince me.  I then whispered quietly as I sat down next to him. 

"Liz…..the reason I'm doing that is so that I don't lose you.  It'll kill me more than you could ever imagine.  I'm hopelessly in love with you, and I would never be able to find anyone else."  

I paused for a moment.  "Listen, I know you don't want to lose me, and I don't want to lose you either Jake.  But trust me, I know what it's like to be a inch away from dying.  But I NEED to do this.  So that no one else has to go through it." 

He looked up.  I swallowed, then continued "It's like that quote 'If not now, when?  If not me, who?'  That's what I'll feel like if I don't do this."  He sighed again and looked up at me.  

"Fine we'll go" he said as he came over and grabbed my hand.  I looked out to the sun setting and the night creeping out.  It must be dark in Hogsmeade.  I sighed and squeezed Jake's hand.  Then I felt the whoosh and images swirled as we suddenly came to a street of Hogsmeade.  

I heard a wail of something, a siren and voices.  Jake looked at me with fear, and he grabbed my hand and ran.  I heard doors being opened and voices yelling.  They were soon going to search the town.

We were running, and I was panting, as the snow crunched underneath our feet.  I hoped they wouldn't follow our footprints.

I then whipped around a corner to see a dementor.  Oh you've gotta be kidding me!  I then fired my patronus, without a second thought.

Stupid!  That's the next thing I thought and I then dragged Jake somewhere else and prayed that we didn't cause a scene.

In the end we were cut at the Hog's Head, a small bar.  But we were trapped.  I looked around frantically, trying to find something to hide in or under.  I tried to think of all the options but my head was spinning. 

I heard the voices coming closer and closer, the snow getting trampled by their own boots.  A voice suddenly and angrily whispered "You two!  Get in here!!" and we were grabbed by our shirts and pulled back.  

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon