Epilogue- Chapter 30

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About a year later…..

Could this really be happening?  I was finally getting MARRIED to the man I loved?  I couldn't contain my excitement.  I looked at Hermione, my maid of honour checking that my flowers were just right and Luna tried to keep her calm.

"Hermione, you should just slow down, every things going to go at it's own pace…" Luna said as Hermione then snapped back "Well its a WEDDING.  I want it to go right for Liz!!  I mean, it's the day she'll remember for the REST of her LIFE!!  It just HAS to be perfect!"

"Ladies, ladies please.  Can we try not to lose it completely before I walk down the aisle?" I said as I stepped out behind the curtain.  Hermione and Luna looked up.  They were both in sea blue dresses at the knee.  Hermione had her brown hair up in a bun with some curled pieces framing her face, while Luna had her light blonde in a crystal encrusted headband. 

They both gasped when I came out.  Then Hermione squeaked "I can't believe it…..I just can't!  You're getting married and-" "Calm…..calm.  I'm the one who should be freaking out here!" I said laughing.  A flash suddenly came up and I looked to my right to see a camera at the ready.  I got a photograph taken by my future sister-in-law Lexi and she laughed.  

She was another one of the bridesmaids.  She looked stunning as well.  Ginny was as well and she walked up to me, smiling, putting her hand on my shoulder.   In that moment, I realized I couldn't have a better bridal party.  But according to everyone I was the most stunning of the entire group.  

My dress was a mermaid-style and I couldn't be happier.  The material was soft and light so it was going to be perfect for the dancing that night.  Too bad my favourite people in the world couldn't be here to celebrate it.

I sighed as my aunt and Mrs. Douglas came scurrying into the room.  "Alright ladies we'll be going in a few, but apparently the bride needs a couple moments to herself!" Mrs. Douglas said, ushering everyone out.  My aunt handed me a book and said "Your mother promised she would give me this when I get married, but since I didn't, you need to read it now!  There's also something from your dad in there too I believe." 

She left quickly and I stared at the book in my hands.  It was the size of a photo album and I slowly opened the cover.  Inside with my mother's writing was scribbled "To my darling daughter, who will become someone's wife!"  I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.  

Maybe she was watching this in spirit.  I hope she was.  I loved her dearly.  I continued on.  

"I can't believe you're getting married!  I might not be there to celebrate it but I hope you picked the right man!  I hope he's there for you like your father is.  I hope he means every one of those vows he makes today.  Remember, this is YOUR day.  Live it like it's your last, and make that happiness go on till death do you part.  With all my love, Mum."  Death did her part and she must've still loved my dad.

I then flipped the page and saw my dad's hand-writing.  It was slightly unlegible, but I was able to make it out.

"Dear and darling Lizzy, as much as I hate to let you go, you're always going to be my little girl.  I know, that, whoever is marrying you, is probably a good man.  He is probably kind, affectionate, and loving.  I know you'll be just as wonderful as your mother when it comes to being a wife.  But, no matter what, love each other, because each vow is about that love.  I know you'll be beautiful, and I know you'll be perfect for that man that is going to be your husband.  Love always, Dad."  

I stayed silent and I gently put the book down.  I stroked it and walked out of the room, where everyone was waiting.  I smiled as Hermione handed me my bouquet.  She held onto Ron's arm as Luna got Neville's, Ginny with Harry and Lexi with a cousin of hers.  

The ring bearer and flower girl began down the aisle as I heard the music play.  I put the veil on.  I wished that my dad could walk me down.  I so desperately wished that.  Thankfully growing close to Mr. Douglas he had volunteered to walk me down the aisle himself.  We joked he was my second dad, since Mrs. Douglas would be my second mom.

Suddenly the music changed and I took a breath.  I slowly walked down, and I held onto the bouquet tightly.  I turned the corner to see Jake's eyes light up and his face turn into a smile.  In the audience were our family and friends plus their family.  Did Draco come?  I hoped he did.  As I walked down I met his eyes and he smiled, and nodded ahead.  I mouthed a thanks and continued on.

As I got to the altar Jake pulled the veil over my head and he whispered "Can I be any happier right now?" I smiled and we got on with the ceremony.  We said our vows and my mothers words kept playing in my head.  I didn't hope he meant the promises, I knew he did.

Then we got to the greatest moment.  "Jake Fred Douglas, do you take this woman to be your wife?" "I do." 

"And Elizabeth Mary Jenkins, do you take this man to be your husband?" "Yes" I choked out with the tears coming down my face.  "Well by the power invested in me, you are now husband and wife.  You may now kiss the bride." and Jake led me into a passionate kiss.  

The audience clapped and I turned around and couldn't stop smiling.  As I walked down the aisle again I heard the priest call "Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins!" I was glad that I was keeping my last name, since it would have been honouring my parents.  It was Jake's decision.  

As we got to the reception I finally got to do the bouquet toss.  I waited silently as I threw the roses over my shoulder as I heard the little yelps and shrieks of the girls behind me.  I turned around to see who's hands were on the boquet, to only discover my three bridesmaids, Luna, Hermione and Ginny caught it at the same time.  The odds!  I couldn't stop laughing.  Looks like I knew where I was going to be in the next couple years.  

As Jake and I got to do our first dance we went out and started slow dancing.  I couldn't help but love it.  As he leaned down he whispered "I can't wait for tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that, cause I have you in it." 

"Hey we both agreed to stay together till death to us part!" I said as I kissed him.  He chuckled and then whispered "I'm so glad I married you Liz." "Me too." I whispered, smiling as I put my head on his shoulder. The music continued to play, as Jake and I danced along.  The music then stopped and I gave him another kiss.

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