Chapter 19

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The girl was from Hufflepuff, a second year probably and her voice sent a shiver up my spine.  Then I heard another girl begin to scream.  I heard another girl screaming.  What was going on?  Then there was a voice.

"I know you all want to fight, and some of you are willing to die.  But I won't let innocent magic blood go to waste.  Some of you think fighting will make this better but this is a lie.  Give me Harry Potter.  Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded.  Give me Harry Potter and I will leave Hogwarts untouched.  You have one hour."

The fire on the torches suddenly shone brighter and we all stayed silent as we looked at Harry.  Voldemort was actually trying to propose a DEAL?  Give him Harry and he'll leave us alone?  As if.  I knew that he had come up with something to tempt us.  

I then heard a voice.  It was a girl from Slytherin and she said "Well what are we waiting for?  Someone grab him!"  Ginny went over and stood in front of Harry and the rest of us did too.  McGonagal sighed and finally answered "Mr. Filch I need you to take the houses down to the dungeons."  Filch stood there and nodded.  We kept all the 7th years and all of the DA and the order.  It wasn't much, but it was all we had.  

As the other students started heading down to the dungeons, McGonagal came over and asked, "What is it that you need Potter?" "Time.  As much as we can get." he replied, his voice pleading.  "I'll see what I can do.  I'll secure the castle."  She quickly left as I found Jake and gave him a hug.  

"We have to-" I started "I know.  We'll help the others." he replied as we headed out with McGonagal and the others.  Jake actually wanted to stay?  I didn't bother asking and I went out as McGonagal told Seamus and Neville to blow up the bridge.  

I looked up and the sky was clear.  It was so calm and soothing, that you wouldn't expect a battle to soon take place.  I started firing spells into the sky to help protect the castle from curses that the opposite army would fire.  When I had fired a sufficient amount of spells I looked back to see McGonagal muttering a spell to move the stone warriors.  All the stonework came to life, and were strong as steel.  We would have this.  The army automatically started going to the major entrance of the castle.  I then realized.  The south courtyard.

I went to Jake and grabbed him by the shoulder.  "The south courtyard….." I said as he realized and he and I were both soon sprinting there.  We wouldn't have much time.  When we got there, there was no one around and I found the bench by the willow tree and I sat down and let it all out.

I felt all the emotion come out and my shoulders shook, each sob making me shake even more than the last, but Jake was comforting me as much he would and wrapped his arms around me.  Once I stopped shaking, he rocked me back and forth gently. 

I then sniffling said "Jake if I lose you…." "Shhh!  Don't say that kind of crap Liz.  Please.  We'll live." he said as he closed his eyes while the tears began to stream down his face.  I brushed them away with my finger and I gave him a kiss.  

"You know that I love you right?" I asked and he nodded and said "Yeah babe.  I do." "I'm gonna promise you this one thing Jake.  If I don't get out of here, you will." I stated and Jake interrupted saying "Sweetheart, it's not coming to that.  You have so much more to live for babe."

"I don't Jake.  Voldemort's coming after me, whether any of us like it or not.  He wants ME dead Jake.  And he'll kill whoever's standing in the way.  That's why my parents are gone." I said and I sighed slumping against Jake. "Well then he's going through me." Jake stated, fury beginning to burn in his eyes.

"Jake...." "No Liz.  Your parents would want that.  I'm sure your dad would want a brave man to look out for his little girl, not a coward.  And your mum....she would want a protector.  And I'm going to protect you Liz, no matter what the cost." Jake said, head held high.  

"But Jake, you're like a mirror of me, you're the other half.  How do you expect me to live if you're gone?" I pleaded, grabbing him by the shoulders.  "Lizzy, I promise you, you're going to get through this.  We're going to get through this.  We just gotta be strong."

I then heard the sound of spells blasting against the forcefield we set up.  I looked up to the bright lights in the sky bursting like fireworks, as they slammed into the spells, rebounding off.  The battle had begun.  

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat