🌟Origins SMP head cannons!

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Published on: 4/25/23

Here are my head cannons for the Origins SMP! I absolutely love this SMP because it has subtle lore and it's more just for fun!


Also a quick rest in peace for Techno which I did add him even though it still makes me sad. But it would be rude for me not to add him so he will be here! o7


Wilbur (Phantom): He loves to hangout with Shelby and Scott. He doesn't like Sparklez that much and tries to make sure him and Scott don't go near each other. No one knows why but no one wants to make Wilbur upset. He likes to scare people by hiding in the walls. Usually though you can hear him giggling since he is terrible at being sneaky. He always carries lots of snacks since he gets hungry a lot and in case anyone else needs it.

Tommy (Avian): He stays by Phil to watch how he acts. He looks up to Phil like a dad so he tries his best to be just like him. Him and Beautie help each other preen their wings. Phil had to teach them both how to do it properly since Tommy accidentally ripped out some of his wings and it caused him pain. He does indeed lay an egg when scared not click bait.

Niki (Merling): She gets lonely under water but ironic Jack likes to come and visit her. He comes at night and sets a small fire to keep him warm and to signal that he is there. She loves to sing but after some time she realized that her voice had become more powerful and she is able to make people dizzy with her voice. She loves the rain so as soon as it stays you'll see her running around in her human form. Under water she doesn't usually have legs but she is able to switch between forms under water since she still has her gills. She gets scared when people tap on her glass she doesn't know why but it's just scary for her.

Ranboo (Enderian): He does not like Scott since he can teleport as well. He's usually around Aimsey since they both are Enderian. He hates a lot of things. Rain being one of them. Even though it means Niki can't go out of water for long he doesn't care. Any time he sees a pumpkin he destroys it. He does like to joke with Sneeg mostly because of the tall and small dynamic.

Tubbo (Bumble Bee): bee

Philza (Elytrian): Burb. He is the Crow Father. He was the one who found Scott and gave him a name. Since he couldn't remember his name. Most of the things he says is "law". No one really argues with him. He knows all (literally, even though most people think it's a joke) He knows everyone's past but he doesn't say anything. Especially about Scott and Sparklez past.

Jack Manifold (Blazeborn): At first he was very lonely in the nether until he found a portal that was almost finished. When he went through his body gave out since it was "colder" for him and he wasn't used to it luckily a little star found him.

Jschlatt (Fragrance man): Sniff

Charlie (Slimecican): He hangs out with Sneeg the most since they're both small. Sometimes he teases Sneeg by becoming bigger or if Sneeg is stressed out he'll make himself small so Sneeg can hold him like a squish toy. He is very squishy and bouncy. If you throw something at him he takes less damage since it just sticks there. He loves to scare people by jumping off high things since he takes no fall damage. He does get tired very easily so he just hides in Sneeg's tunnels when he needs to sleep.

Sneegsnag (Inchling): tall man 100%. Loves to cause mischief and climb on people's shoulders. He is able to run slightly faster than everyone but Charlie puts slime down in places to slow him down. He loves to eat sugar anytime someone has it. Some of the others play games with it but he doesn't mind. They just make him climb things or see how fast he can run with more or less sugar.

Smajor (Starborne): He doesn't know how he crash to Earth. When he first got there he couldn't see anything nor could he move. Luckily after a while he felt someone pick him up and put him on a bed. That person was Philza and since he couldn't remember his name Phil named him Scott. Anytime it's night time and the stars are out he'll go to someone randomly and ask if they want to watch the stars. Usually Niki, Jack, or Phil will sit by him as he rambles about each star. He likes to make sure he is useful to people no matter what. He gets a weird feeling of deja vu when he's by Sparklez but he pushes it aside. One thing that Scott and Niki want to do is hug Jack but they can't because it would cause them all pain. (But Scott and Niki have done it anyways). He has faint memories of his home planet. He remembers his mother a little bit and how her purple hair would glow along with the stars. She always wanted him to be strong so she would train him to fight along with another boy he can't quite remember.

Technoblade (Rabbit): If you have anything that looks like a carrot he will take it whether it's edible or not. He usually stays underground or wherever carrots may be. If you give him a carrot he'll give you a flower or something cute but a golden carrot may get you something a bit more shiny in return. When he gets tired he'll just walk up to Phil and just stands there until he picks him up and let him sleep.

Fundy (Fox): he steal. he die due to steal. he do no learn.

Beautie (Avian): She hangs out with Tommy whenever she is awake. But usually she's sleeping in a nest since she filled it with blankets and softs pillows. (To be honest I don't know much about her so please tell me if I get some things wrong about her)

James (Feline): He's like a babysitter half the time. He watches Schlatt to make sure he isn't sniffing people. Sometimes him and Niki hangout by Niki collecting him fish in return for things she may not be able to get under water. Scott will shoot some stars and James will chase after them.

Shelby (Phantom): She usually hides or is with Wilbur. She understands why Wilbur doesn't like Sparklez but makes sure he doesn't attack him...Yet

CaptainSparklez (Starborne): He keeps a lot of secrets to himself. He tries to be by Scott but Wilbur tends to get in the way. No one knows why.

Aimsey (Enderian): Enderman in training.


I haven't watched everyone's POV so that's why some are less detailed than the others. Also there are like 3 different "seasons" so it's hard to add what and what was no longer included.

Total words: 1209!

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