Background info of my AUs!!!

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Published on 7/11/23

This is just info on how some hybrids/origins act, abilities, and stuff like that! It also goes over who is what in my AU!

(Also hope you guys like my new book I made. If you haven't go check it out!!!)


Fish: Fish people are known to be one of the most beautiful creatures as soon as they're born. It doesn't matter on the original gender, the fish hybrids can change to the opposite sex (pretty sure I saw someone comment this on a story I read) To clarify if you're a girl you could change to have a penis but still a vagina and for males it's the other way around. When they are underwater some features of them could change. Their eyes could have a black sclera instead of white. They could have more scales, bigger fins or fins on their arms/legs. Dance is a common way they all get together. When they're prego one out of two things could happen no matter the gender. They could be pregnant until the 9 months or they could experience all of it in 2 or 4 weeks until randomly when no one is looking an egg appears. (Don't question it they don't either) Then it takes about 7-9 months to hatch. They also tend to get very tired in cooler areas.

Fish hybrids: E1!Jimmy, E1!Lizzie, Niki Nihachu, Fantst (he's a baby blue axolotl), Fwhip, Sally, E1!Gem (ish)

Elves: They are known for holding grudges but also for being very polite. To everyone who isn't an elf sees them as always nice but they do love gossip and say rude things about others. The tend to wear ribbons somewhere on them. They also tend to wear longer clothes that still look 'professional' (I don't know the right word but hopefully you guys understand what I'm trying to say). They always make sure a guest in their home is always pleased with what they might need.

Elves: E1!Scott, Gem

Slimes: Just like fish they can also change their genders! (E1!Jimmy must of had a 'great' time figuring that out) The have barely any fall damage depending on how much slime they are. For example Jimmy is more of a cod/human hybrid with slime so his falls would rarely be soft. But for iJevin depending on his form he would take barely any.

Slime hybrids: E1!Jimmy, Charley Slimecle, iJevin, Boosfer, Bubbo (ish)

Llamas: Very energetic. They do tend to be polite but if one hybrid doesn't like someone then whoever they are friends with might not talk to you anymore. They have different spits for different things. Obviously to people that aren't Llamas it's weird but most Llama hybrids don't care since it's how they show emotion.

Llama hybrids: E2!Scott, Owen, Eloise

Goblins: They are very durable. They can have their hands turn to add tough as obsidian to help them dig but it usually looks like dirty on their hands to make people thinks they're less harmful. They tend to hang from their tails for fun or sometimes that's how they fall asleep.

Goblins: E1!Fwhip

Demons: Demons already have a not so good impression on people. They are known to be violent and lash out. But they only do that (for most demons it depends) if someone they might care for is being hurt. But some do harm just for the fun of it.

Demons: Guts, Apo, 🤫!Scott (You'll see in a different chapter someday), Rasbi, Krow, Oeca, Xornoth

Bird hybrids: (There are a few bird hybrids in my AU's. E2!Scott, E1!Joey and Grian are parrots. E1!Scott is an owl. E2!Jimmy is a Canary along with Oli and E1!Pearl. False is an eagle.) Birds love to preen each other. In season 1 of Empires Scott and Joey would preen each other's wings or Scott would ask Jimmy to preen them (same with season 2) They tend to make nests out of anything soft that they like. If they get startled then their feathers would become poofed. If they get upset or something they make a small noise (Like Stolas in Helluva Boss when Stella called him pathetic)

Bird hybrids: E1! Scott, E1!Joey, Grian, Pearl, E2!Jimmy, E2!Scott, Oli, False.

Wolves: Intimidating creatures. Even though they're... All bark no bite (please stop me) They have ears and tails and some patches of fur that are random over their body. They also have very sharp teeth and when they want they can have sharp claws. They move very fast when running but water slows the, down a bit. They hear better than some hybrids. They make small noises and growls. Also their ears and tails move depending on their mood as well. Not all wolves are friendly but getting on the good side of them is always beneficial. (They also secretly like getting pet but don't admit it)

Wolves: E1!Shebly, YelloWool

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