👑Oh honey...🌫️

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Published on: 5/30/23

Make smut then make angst about the same people? Yup!

TW: SH, slight talk about vom!t, teasing / bullying




3rd person POV:

Jimmy hates it when people call him a toy. He liked it a lot better before he knew the other Emperors. His people also hate it. They hate how the other Emperors treat their ruler. He was nice to all of them. Taking time out of his day to interact with his people. He felt bad for how his people felt. He always put the blame on himself. He thinks his people are starting to catch on.

"Are you sure you're alright Sheriff?" a slightly older lady asked him. She would always visit him when she could. She looked to be about 32 years old but Jimmy never asked.

"Yes ma'am I'll be fine, now I must head home since it's late and you should too" He gave a quick glance at her and her sorrowed face. He didn't give her time to respond. He simply just left amd headed towards his house. But he wasn't going there just to fall asleep. No he would be doing something in his bathroom that he would regret.

As soon as he entered his house he closed the door and ran to his bathroom. He felt sick. But not the kind of sick where you would need to puke. The kind where he thinks he should just die. No one would miss him. He hated this feeling. But he knew he deserved it. Or at least that's what he told himself. With his thoughts running wild in his head he reached out to grab something hidden on one of his shelves in his bathroom. It was a hidden blade.

He took off his shirt and looked at the old cuts he had. They looked like they were fading but Jimmy didn't like it. He deserved to feel this pain for the rest of his life. So he slowly pressed the blade against the skin on his arm. He painfully started to tear the skin. After a while on the one arm blood started to appear more and more. He switched arms and did the same thing to it. Once he thought his arms were done he moved on to his stomach. Slowly tearing at it not paying attention to any noise around him.

Little did he know that his colourful boyfriend would want to pay a visit. They haven't been able to see each other in a while so he hoped that they could just relax together. He didn't know what he would be walking in on.


When Scott landed in Tumble Town he saw the people still walking around. It was about 6:30 with the sun just about setting. He first looked in the station for him but he couldn't find him. But thankfully a young lady told him he had headed home.

"But hey Sir?" She asked.

"Oh yes? And no need to call me Sir the name is Scott" he said with a smile on his face.

"Please make sure our Sheriff is alright. He has been acting a little different ever since other Emperors have been here more often" when she spoke she only had a sad face. Scott knew how loyal the people here were so it wasn't that surprising. He nodded and made his way to Jimmy's house. He didn't think much when he realized the door was unlocked. With that he made his way in the house.

As he entered he heard soft sobs. He started to panic a little. Usually Jimmy doesn't cry. Or at least not that he has ever seen. He started walking through the house quietly to see where the cries where. He stopped at the bathroom. He noticed the door was open so he carefully peaked inside of it. But the sight he saw was something he never wanted to see.

He saw his lover with cuts full of blood scattered around his body. It infected him every where. Scott quickly ran in the bathroom and took the blade out of Jimmy's hands. He looked him in the eyes and saw they fear they both had. Scott didn't know what to do in the moment. He knew he couldn't yell or touch Jimmy at all. His body was hurt. His eyes softened. He saw as more and more tears filled Jimmy's eyes as he looked away ashamed of what he did to himself.

Scott carefully lead him to sit on the toilet seat as he grabs the med kit that he has in the bathroom. He has three that he has. One in the kitchen and in the two bathrooms he has. The other one being in his room. He took out some rubbing alcohol with a rag and got started. Jimmy flinched at ever touch but Scott knew he needed to clean the wounds. He didn't want them to get infected or anything. As he was cleaning them he heard Jimmy say something.

"I-I'mm s-soRry" he choked through his sobs. Scott gave him a sympathetic smile. He just wanted Jimmy to feel safe right now. He didn't care if he didn't want to talk for the night. Scott continued to clean until he had gotten every spot. Now he needed the bandages. Getting his stomach was easy but Jimmy didn't want to show his arms.

"Baby please this will be over faster if you just let me bandage your arms honey" Scott said calmly. But Jimmy just shook his head and kept his arms close to him. Scott put his hand on one of Jimmy's hands. He could feel him flinch but he kept his hand there. He hated that he kept his hand on him but he needed to put the bandages on him. After a while when Jimmy started to get tired he finally let Scott put the bandages on him.

After Scott finished putting the bandages on he looked at Jimmy. He still had tears falling down but he was trying his best to stay quiet. It hurt Scott so much to see his lover like this. He tried his best not to look hurt but he knew he had failed from the start.

"Oh honey" Scott whispered as Jimmy started to sob a bit louder. He carefully wrapped his arms around Jimmy and ran his hands through his hair. He waited a second to see if Jimmy didn't like it. But Jimmy slightly leaned into him signaling him to continue. They stayed like that for a while. Neither of them cared that they were still in the bathroom.

After a while Jimmy feel asleep. Scott waited a few minutes longer just in case he woke up again. He then carefully picked him up and brought him to his bedroom. He laid him on the bed but he ended up waking up again. Scott just smiled as he grabbed some of Jimmy's night clothes and helped him get dressed. Lucky the shirt he had was a long sleeve shirt. After they both got dressed (Scott is usually wearing comfortable clothes) Scott grabbed the blanket from the bed and brought them both to the living room.

He heard Jimmy whine a little as he laid him down on his chest. But he didn't say anything. He wrapped them in the blanket and turned on a random movie. Scott ran his hands through his hair again. He could feel Jimmy starting to relax a little bit more. After about an hour they both had fallen asleep.

Time Skip to the morning

Jimmy woke up a bit confused. So he tried to get up but it failed and something pulled him back down. He started to panic until he heard a soft voice.

"Where are you going?" It asked. Jimmy looked up and saw his cyanette lover. Jimmy didn't respond. He just buried his face in Scott's chest. He started to remember the night before.

"Do you want to talk about last night?" Scott asked still a bit sleepy. Jimmy raised his head and looked at Scott. They both just looked at each other before Jimmy sighed and sat up while Scott did the same. After a bit of silence Jimmy finally opened his mouth and the words started flowing out of his mouth like a river. He couldn't stop. Not even when the tears appeared again or when his throat screamed for him to slow down but he didn't.

Once he was done he breathed heavily. No other sound was heard other than his breath. Soon he felt arms wrapped around him. He leaned into it. He felt as Scott rubbed his back softly whispering to him that it's okay. They both decided just to stay home for the rest of the day. Just them both holding each other. Scott knew that he would talk with the other Emperors to stop with the teasing. He hated that this happened but now he knows. Now if Joel especially doesn't stop then he'll get to play a fun cat and mouse game with fresh bait!


Ayyy I like how this turned out!

Total words: 1556!

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