Chapter 5

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(Bella's POV)

We got home at around 10:30pm, and I didn't feel tired at all.  I was so happy to be with Niall.  He made me feel so special, and I really needed that.  All my life, the only person who cared about me was my aunt.   She was my only family, because my uncle left my aunt when I was three after she went to get a check up and found out she could't have kids.  I had no cousins or anything either.

When we entered the house, I sat on the couch, and Niall joined me. 

"Hey Bella, aren't you tired?" he asked with those blue eyes that were all worn out from all the fun we had at the park. 

"Not really, if you want you can go to bed, but I'm just gonna watch tv til I'm tired."

I really didn't mind if I just sat here by myself, but it would be nice if he stayed with me. 

"No, I'm not leaving my princess here all by herself."

Wow, he's so cute.

"Thanks" I said while he put his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him.  I rested my head on his chest, my head going up and down as he was breathing.  I know I said I wasn't tired, but I instantly fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

I woke up to the sound of voices whispering, and someone munching on something.  I opened my eyes to see Zayn and Liam smiling in the back, while Harry had his arms crossed, and Louis was munching on carrots. 

"Hey guys, what time is it?" I asked now blushing thanks to them just standing there staring at us. 

"It's 11am" said Harry who had now put his arms by his side.  He didn't seem angry so that was a good sign.  I tried getting up to hug my big brother, but saw that Niall's arms were still around my waist and his grip tightened as I struggled to get up.

"Niall it's time to wake up." I said nudging him in the arm. 

"Mmmm I don't want to Bells."

Apparently I had a new nickname. 

"NIALL JAMES HORAN WAKE UP!!!" yelled Harry and Louis in unison.  I couldn't help but role over in laughter as Niall shot up from the couch and ran to the kitchen. I got up from the couch and hugged Harry who hugged me back right away.  I planted a small kiss on his cheek, and headed to the kitchen to see what my Nialler was up to, even though I knew the answer to that.  "Hey Niall, do you mind sharing some of your food with me?" I asked as his expression went to him debating on whether he should or not. 

"I'm only gonna share because  I love you." 

"Aww I love you too." 

(Niall's POV)

It just slipped out of my mouth, telling her I love her.  I do love her, but I wanted to tell her in a more romantic way, and I was relieved when she said it back.  I'm still gonna tell her in a better way.  I gave her half of my omelet, and we sat their eating in silence because  I like to focus on my food. 

"Hey Bells, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me today?"  I've been meaning to take her there since she once told me she's never been to the beach. 

"REALLY?!  YES YES YES!!! I'll go get my stuff." She said running upstairs.  I loved seeing her happy.  Her smile always made me put this huge grin on my face.  Yes, I was going to take her to the beach, but what she didn't know was that I had planned a surprise picnic for us their once the sun sets.  I'm so happy Liam helped me plan this, because I want to make this a night to remember.  This is the night I would tell her I loved her.

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