Chapter 8

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(Bella's POV)

I woke up, and saw that I was still on the floor, cuddled up to Niall. Aww he's so cute when he's sleeping. I try to get up, but his grasp get tighter on me. I struggle a little bit, until I hear Niall chuckle.

"Niall, have you been awake this whole time?" I ask.

"Actually, your struggling woke me up." he said smiling.

"Well I wouldn't have been struggling if someone" I said, adding emphasis on someone "wasn't trying to keep me from getting up."  I said trying to be serious. Niall laughs at my attempt, and I put on a fake pout, only to make myself start laughing. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then go to the bathroom. When I come back, I find a shirtless Niall looking for something.

"Watcha looking for?" I ask staring at his toned body.

"I can't find my shirt." he says, turning around to look at me. I try to look away quickly, but he catches me, and smiles.

"Like what you see?" he says, wiggling his eyebrows. I slap his arm playfully, and then help him look for his shirt. I finally found it under the bed, don't ask me how it got there, and then left him so he could get ready. They had an interview to go to in an hour, so I let him be. I went to my room, and decided on white shorts, with a t-shirt I bought a while ago that said, I <3 London. I brushed my hair, applied minimum makeup, and went downstairs, to find Louis on the couch with a girl who must be Sophia.

"Hi, I'm Bella." I say giving her a hug.

"Hi Bella, Louis' told me a lot about you. I'm Sophia." she said smiling. She seemed really nice, and I could tell Louis liked her a lot. He was alwasy super happy whenever he talked about her.

"GUYS, SOMEONE GET LIAM OUT OF HIS ROOM!! HE WON'T LISTEN TO ME!!" yelled Harry, as he was walking down the stairs.

"I'll go talk to him." said Louis getting up from the couch. He headed upstairs, and I was left with the other three boys, and Sophia.

"So, what are we gonna do after the interview?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"We should go to that new water park that just opened up!!" said Niall all excited, as he was finishing the leftover pizza.

"Sounds good to me" I said, as Harry and Zayn agreed with me.

"You should definately come with us Sophia. I'm sure if I don't make you go, Louis will" I said.

"Ya, sure." she said smiling.

"We'll take you home after the interview so you can get your stuff." said Zayn, looking up from his phone.

"Zayn, you should tell Perrie to come." said Harry, who looked up from his phone as well.

"Already did, and she said yes."

"Great, I'll ask Jane if she wants to come." he said, and headed upstairs. The boys and I met Jane yesterday, when we walked in on Harry and her watching tv all cuddled up. It was so cute. Moments later, Harry came down with Jane, followed by Louis who was skipping down the stairs. I laughed as he fell, and was joined by the boys who were on the floor rolling back and forth. Niall was crying of how hard he was laughing.

"Stop laughing guys, it wasn't that funny." Louis said embarassed. Sophia went over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Awwwww. He gave her a quick peck on the lips, before going over and slapping Niall playfully in the arms to stop laughing. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, as I saw a really sad Liam come down them. I went over to him, and gave him a big hug. I thought he would push me away, but he hugged me back.

"Thanks Bella."

"No problem. I don't like seeing you sad, so turn that frown upside down." I said. He tried smiling, but it just went right back down to a sad face. He walked out the door to the car, and we soon all followed him.

Once we got to there, the boys all had to go and get makeup done, so Sophia, Jane and I sat in the loveseat they had there. We watched as the five boys made there way onstage, and took their seats. The interviewer said hello to each of them and asked them the usual questions.

"So boys, who's single?" she asked.

"I have my beautiful girlfriend, Bella." Niall said smiling.

"Who happens to be my sister." said Harry looking at Niall with that look that said don't try anything stupid. Oh Harry.

"What about you, Harry?" she asked.

"I'm single, for now." he said, adding a cheeky smile at the end.

The interviewer smiled and looked at Zayn for his answer.

"I have my amazing girlfriend, Perrie" said Zayn smiling. It was cute how much he loved Perrie. They've been together for two years, so he better love her.

"I'm single." said Liam, who was really pulling it together.

"I'm sure the fans love that, no?" said the interviewer, who got a loud cheer from the audience.

"But, we really are sorry about Danielle, Liam."

"What about you Louis?" she asked.

"I have my beautiful girlfriend Sophia, who I wouldn't give up for the world." he said. I looked at Sophia, and she was blushing.

"Well boys, I think that's all the time we have. Thank you so much for coming." she said.

"Thank you for having us." said Liam. And with that they came backstage. Niall brought me into his arms, and leaned in for a kiss. After we pulled apart, I went to give Liam a hug.

"Good job out there." I whispered to him.

"Well, I have to pull it together when it comes to this stuff." he said.

"Let's go get our stuff to go to the water park." said Harry, taking Jane's hand in his. We all left to the parking lot, and got in the car.  We picked up Perrie who was waiting for us, and then we went to Sophia's house so she could get her stuff. Louis got out to help her, and they walked to her front door hand in hand.

After that, we went to get the rest of our stuff. I put on my pink bikini with white little flowers on it, and put some jean shorts on top, with one of Niall's shirts on. He came in and smiled.

"Is that my shirt?" he asked coming over to me.

"Nope, it's mine now." I said giggling as he kissed my forehead. We went downstairs to pack food and stuff, then we headed out the door.

Once we got there, Liam payed the entrance fee. Louis and I convinced him to come. We all found a table to put our stuff at, and went to go have fun. Liam stayed behind on his phone, while Jane and Harry went to the water slide, and the rest of us went to the pool. We splashed eachother in the face, played around, and then went to go eat. Liam had apperently gone somewhere, so we saved him some food. I looked around, and saw him talking to a girl. For the first time in a week, he smiled. I was happy he was having fun too. He came over to us, with the girl following behind, and introduced her to us. "Guys, this is Katie." he said smiling. She waved to us, and we indicated for her to sit down and talk with us. The girls and I really hit it off with her. She seemed really nice, and Liam seemed to like her too. After we ate, we waited a while, before heading off to the huge water slide. This time, Liam and Katie came along with us, as they talked about stuff. I tried to eavesdrop, but Niall kept bothering me.

"Niall, I'm going to drown you in this pool if you don't stop poking me." I said with a serious face on. He poked me in the face, and then jumped in the pool. I jumped in after him, but he swam under me and picked me up. I ended up getting dumped in the pool. When I came back up for air, I found Niall laughing at me, so I swam after him.

We played around like this for another two hours, until we all got tired and went home. Liam exchanged numbers with Katie, and then we all said bye to her. Once we got home, we all decided to watch a movie. One by one, everyone started falling asleep until it was just me and Niall. He was stroking my hair, and I was cuddled up with him. He rested his head on top of mine, and he kissed my head.

"Goodnight princess." he said, resting his head ontop of mine again. "Goodnight Nialler." I said drifting off to sleep.

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