Chapter 17

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(Katie's POV)

I wanted to go see Liam, but Bella and Sophia kept bugging me saying that I needed to start looking for wedding gowns.  It took a while, but I was finally convinced, so we set off to shop.  "Here are the dresses we have for display, and I'll be back with a catalog so that you can see what you like." the lady at the counter said.  Bella and Sophia went to look in one direction (lol get it? sorry back to the story)  while I went the other way.  I was passing by, not seeing anything that was what I was looking for, until I saw someone I knew and froze.  Is that Niall?  What is he doing here?  I went over to him, but as I got closer, I could here the conversation he was having with a girl I didn't know.  "I was wondering if you could watch Anna again tonight.  I have some errands I need to run, and I know she wants to spend more time with her dad." the girl said looking at Niall.  "Ya sure what time?" he asked.   "Around seven.  Her bedtime is at eight thirty as usual so you don't have to watch her that long.  I'll be home at nine thirty." she replied.   "We should head back to your apartment." he said looking at his phone.  "Ya, I have to feed Anna.  Do you mind paying for this? I left my wallet at home."  "Umm ya I guess."   Somethings not right here.  I followed Niall to the counter, and decided to say something.  "Hey Niall what are you doing here?"    "Oh hey Katie.  I'm just....umm.....with a friend.  She's getting married so I thought I'd help her."  He's so lying.   "Oh that's cool."

(Niall's POV)

"Oh hey Katie.  I"m just....umm......with a friend.  She's getting married so I thought I'd help her."  "Oh that's cool."    Thank god she believed me.   "Well I gotta go.  Bye."  I didn't even wait for her to reply, I just left to go find Gabby so we could leave.  I hated lying to people, but I couldn't just tell her  'oh, i'm here with my ex girlfriend looking for a dress for her sisters' wedding'   now could I.   I spotted Gabby and walked over to her, handing her the bag that contained her pink dress.   "Thanks Niall."   I've been spending a lot of time with Gabby these past two weeks, and I'm starting to remember why I fell in love with her.  She's funny and we can be ourselves around each other.  Plus, we have a daughter together.   We headed out of the shop, and back to the apartment.  "I'll see you tonight then." I said, while she got out of the car.  "Ya, tonight." She went inside, and I pulled out of the driveway. 

Once I got home, I went straight to my room to get ready only to find Bella sitting on the bed watching tv and playing on her phone.   "Hey" she mumbled not looking up from her phone.  "Hey"  I said back,  going to pick out something to wear.   "Wear are you going this time?" she asked, now looking up from her phone and at me as I layed my shirt on the bed.   "I have things to do tonight."  "Like what?"   "It doesn't matter."  "Niall, why are you acting like this?!  You're never here and we're never together anymore.  Are your plans really that important?!" she yelled everything in a rushed sentence.    "I'm sorry Bella I really am, but I can't cancel what I'm doing tonight."   She sighed.  "When will you be home?"   "Around ten tonight."   "Whatever" she said going back to whatever she was doing on her phone.  I went to the restroom to change, and then grabbed my stuff and left.   I arrived at Gabby's flat in twenty minutes, and got out of my car.   I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to get it.  I arrived a little early so that I could have more time with Anna.   "Hey you're early." she said answering the door.   "You look nice."  I said looking at her really sparkly red dress.   "Thanks.  Anna's watching a movie, so she should be good til her bedtime."  She slipped on her red heels, and then left.  I sighed, and went to go sit next to the small child on the couch.   "Hi" she said in her small fragile voice.  I smiled and kissed the top of her head.  She eventually fell asleep in my arms, so I decided to take her to her bed.  I had two hours til Gabby was back so I decided to take a nap beside her. 

(Katie's POV)

I followed Niall and that girl around all day.  I knew that Niall would go back home to Bella, so I parked outside this lady's house.   She was really suspicious, and I didn't like her one bit.  After about an hour of sitting in this car,  a car pulled into the driveway, and a man around my age stepped out of the car.  He went up to the front door, and after a few seconds, the girl Niall was with earlier came out.  Her face lit up when she saw him, and they kissed for a long time may I just add.  It was kind of annoying, but they finally stepped into the house.  I got bored, so I called Sophia to come.  I gave her the address, and about ten minutes later, she was here.  She parked her car down the street, and came to sit next to me in the passenger seat.   We talked for about half an hour, until the guy came back out of the car, followed by her.  He kissed her for a while, then got in his car and left, while the girl went back inside her flat.  "What are we even doing here?"  Sophia asked me a little confused since I still haven't told her what I was up to.  I told her everything, and she looked a little shocked.   "Do you think Niall is cheating on Bella?"  she asked me.   "I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out."   A car pulled into the driveway, and Niall stepped out, going to her front door.  She smiled her ugly smile, and let him in.  A few minutes later, she hugged Niall and pecked his cheek, then turned around to exit and rolled her eyes.   "I knew it.  She's using Niall!"  I whisper yelled to Sophia.  "How do you know?"   "Because she was all lovey dovey while facing him, then turned around and rolled her eyes."  "I know she rolled her eyes, I saw the whole thing,  but I don't get how she's using Niall."  "Well, I guess we just have to follow her."  I followed her car to a club.   She got out flipping her hair, and Sophia and I followed not too closely behind her.  We didn't want her to get the feeling she was being followed.   "Gabby you made it."  I guy who was obviously drunk said.  "Nice to see you too Jack."  She said back to the guy, who slipped his arm around her waist.  "Is your whole plan working with this guy?  Because you can't expect me to pay everything for our daughter." he asked her.  My eyes widened at what I was hearing.  "Ya, he's too easy to play with."  She said laughing really annoying.   "What did you say nis name was? Neil?"   "No, it's Niall.  Don't worry, we'll have all the money we need for Anna soon enough."  They headed inside the club, and Sophia and I looked at each other with shocked expressions.   "Ok, so you were right about Niall being used."  Sophia said walking back to the car.  I followed behind her.  "You think!! We have to go tell Niall now before the witch gets home to flirt with him some more."  I'm not gonna let this lady come in and ruin what Niall and Bella have all because of her wanting money to raise a kid that's not even Niall's.

(Bella's POV)

I couldn't take it anymore!!  Niall and I haven't had a proper conversation for almost three weeks now.   I feel like I'm losing him, and I don't even know why or how.  All I knew was that if he came home tonight the same way he has every night, not talking to me, I was going to throw this stupid ring that I'm wearing on my finger at him.  I can't marry him if he doesn't love me.  It hurts me so much to do this, but I know it has to be done.  I want him to love me the way I love him.  I feel like he's hiding so much from me, and we've never kept secrets from me.  I guess this means that Niall and I have to end this.

Well guys, sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I've been really busy.  What do you think is gonna happen?   Vote if you want Niall and Bella to stay together, and more importantly vote if you want Katie and Sophia to tell Niall about all this.  Comment on what you think!!! Thanks:)

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