Shut up Freddy.

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(Woooo new chapter.... Even tho it probably won't matter because I suck at writing, oh well it's still fun :3)

~Goldie's P.O.V~

Its been a day scence Foxy caught me singing.... I pray he did know the was a cheesy song....I sung it alone a lot, but I hate my singing. Freddy says its a natural talent with being a Fazbear, he says I sound great but I know he's only saying that because he's my brother. I sighed sitting in the office. I decided I needed some alone time so I proofed to the kitchen. When I got there I saw a note on the counter. It said it was for me so I picked it up. Pretty sure I'd regret it. I read the note and slightly blushed. Who the heck would have these feelings for me?....after all I've done?....I tossed the note out and sat down....I looked at my arm, it didn't have claw marks on it anymore but I felt sad looking at it....I felt sad just looking at myself. Knowing someone want to protect me just feels wrong....I took a deep breath and whispered a song to myself. " I'm not a hero, I'm a liar
I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire
Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known" I teared up and then jumped as I heard Freddy speak from behind me "see? Such a nice voice being wasted on sadness." I turned and looked at him. "G-go voice sucks you know that....s-stop acting like i-its good." He walked to me and sat beside me. "Don't think like that brother of mine" he adjusted my tie and petted my cheek "you know your better then that. Your a Fazbear. Strong and talented." I looked down, I don't believe him. I never did....but he kept going "your a special lil bear and one day your find the perfect lady for ya" I looked at him and shakingly asked "w-what if its the p-perfect boy?" He glaired at me....I looked away....and his voice got strict "Now now, brother you know I love you, and I support you. need to find a Fazbear will hit in that ballfield. OK?" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I nodded "y-yes s-sir" he smiled and hugged me then left the kitchen. I bursted into tears.
I began to shake as the voices in my head started to talk 'see? Even your own brother is gonna hate you!' I listened to them....they proved to be the only things that haven't lyed to me.
'Face it gold....this place isn't ment for you.... They don't need you' I started to claw my arm again. As the hateful voices filled my mind....I clawed deeper and deeper until I started feeling sleepy....I grunted alil as I covered my arm with my paw and laied my head on the counter....

~Freddy's P.O.V~

As I left the kitchen, I went to check on Foxy. I haven't talked to him scence he clawed me....when I got there I pulled the cloth back and looked in, he was sitting on the floor playing with his lil pirate dolls....I smiled. Glad to see he was feeling more like himself.

(Boop kinda short...I tried....should I even continue?)

Unstable Love(DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora