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Freddy stepped into the dark room, it was one undetected by the main system. It was sealed off a while ago. The room is dark and quite, Freddy calls out "Darky? Darky are you in here?" There was no response "Darky. D-darky its important. Please." Freddy jumped hearing something move behind him and turned to face it, being met with a smoky purple bear, He was rather short compared to Goldie, Freddy, and even Frederick. Tho that's made sense since after all....he's that youngest.
"What is it...."
Freddy gulped slightly at the sight of his youngest brother. The bears milky white eyes where glowing and he looked messy and ill. Freddy spoke as nicely as he could "Darky....I know you hate me, but I need your help. Goldie is....he's really hurt. Foxy stabbed him and he's in almost fatal condition."
The small bear frowned "Why did foxy stab him? And what do you want me to do about it?" Freddy felt his heart grow hurt by the saddened tone of his little brothers voice, " Foxy has this problem. A case if MPD in a sorts. He flips sometimes and turns into someone who just wants to hurt everyone....and....I was wondering if you'd be willing to help get rid of that part of him." The purple bear looked down and sighed. "F-Freddy....I'm sorry to hear this bu-" he was cut off by Freddy grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him "DARKY PLEASE! I-I don't want to lose Goldie. I-i....your my only real hope. Foxy's other persona is relentless and I know that even if Goldie heals he won't be safe. Please! I don't want to-"
"Lose your little brother?" Darky cut him off by cruelly pushing him away "you don't want to lose your little brother. You couldn't bare to see him go....much unlike me. Why should I care about if he dies? Why should I care about how you feel? You never had those type of thoughts about me! You excluded me from the family just like everyone else! Y-you never t-talk to me. A-and the one time you do it's to ask me for help?" Shadows grew darker around him. Freddy's heart sunk hearing him say all this.
"D-darky i -I never ment to leave you out. I-i"
"SAVE IT FAZBEAR! Our 'dad' told me I was a horrible mistake. He told me I wasn't aloud to use my real last name and he disowned me like I was trash! And why? Because I tried something new! Because I wasn't the same as everyone else! I-i" glowing white tears ran down the bears face "I wasn't even old enough to understand it all....and then y-you and Goldie started pushing me away. A-and Frederick ignored me. N-none of you tried to stop dad from leaving me behind....none of you cared about me. None of you helped why should I help you?"
Freddy felt tears threatening his eyes. Darky was shaking and the shadows around him grew darker by the second. Freddy bowed his head in shame. "You shouldn't. You where right, we where pretty mean to you...but Darky you can't just stand here and let your brother suffer. We-....I don't deserve your help but I'm begging for it....please...."
Darky sniffled whipping his eyes. He looked at Freddy with watery eyes and took a deep breath....then he spoke.

Unstable Love(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now