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~the next day Freddy and the band try to cover up what happened during the show, goldie is in the kitchen and foxy's in the cove.~
~Foxy's P.O.V~

Honestly all your doing is showing your weak. Shut up.
I dopped down another bottle and sighed, I thought I was done drinking but....I don't know. I didn't want any of this. I wanted to see Goldie but there's no way he could get back here without Freddy seeing, and even if he wouldn't last. You know what you should do....if Freddy's the problem ye should fix it. Hm? Think aboot it....HE yelled at you, HE punished you, HE is the one keeping Goldie away....its not your fault. right...its not my fault, but its not his ether. It's yours! I took the bottle in my hand and smashed it agest my ship, a loud shattering sound filled the area then turned back to silence.... I looked at the shattered glass covering the floor and sat down. I need to calm down. If I don't 'he' might use me again. I heard the band closing up the show, after a few minutes chica stepped in to check on me "Foxy? I heard a noise, are you okay?" She noticed the glass and went to me "Foxy what happened? Did you switch personalities?" She tried to grab my shoulder but I knocked her hand away "no....I did this. It's fine, I just....I'm fine. " she looked at me and sat down in front of me- careful to avoid the glass- "Foxy I know your not okay." I moved my face to look at her, she actually looked worried, pff petty acting. "....why do you even care. This dosnt even involve you." I moved my face away from hers. She grabed my hands "yes it dose Foxy. It dose involve me because your my friend, I don't like seeing you like this and I know Goldie wouldn't ether." She had a stern time I'm her voice....cut the act chicken SHUT UP! ..... She placed my hands on my lap and looked down "Foxy....i don't blame you. I know about your Mpd and so dose Bonnie....hell even Freddy probably knows it wasn't really you. He just has anger issues. This will all blow over." I didn't really know how to respond, I just layed my head on her shoulder. I hope she's right.
Some time passed and chica had to leave, Freddy called her. I went to the back of my ship to get another bottle from my stash. Your really gonna drink again? Good grief if ye keep this up you'd be killing yourself for me, oh shut up being dead feels like a better option anyway. That can be done, you have a sharp hook just slit your throat, end it all.....not yet, I can't do that just yet. I went and sat on my ship and sipped out the bottle, its a good thing I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I got haft way Thu the bottle before passing out.....pathetic.

~Goldie's P.O.V~

I was in the kitchen all day, Freddy had the cupcake camera set up so he could make sure foxy didn't try anything. Honestly he's being stupid. I'm not even straight and it wasn't even Foxy who originally kissed me....I wanted so much to punch Freddy in his nose and explain to him why what he's doing is bull, but that'd only make it worse. The voices talked alot, saying things like 'you need to take a stand' , or ' he's gonna kill you if you tell him ya know' they where really bi polor today. I wanted to go see Foxy, but with the cupcake watching my every move I was forced to stay put. Now I know, I probably sound scared of that thing, and yeah that sounds...pretty lame. But that cupcake is always on. It's always recording....Freddy uses them to make sure no bad people break in- I'm sorry this is off topic, the voices keep thinking about it. I look to the door and stand up. I walked to the door and opened it, I didn't hear music so the shows over. I was aloud to leave the kitchen, just not enter pc. I heard chica and Bonnie in the dinning room and went to them. "H-hey guys...." I said sitting near them. Chica looked at me and slightly frowned "oh hey okay?" Bonnie asked I shrugged, "Goldie, me and Bonnie have been thinking alot. About how Freddy flipped his lid yesterday." Chica said I looked at her "hm?" She looked at Bonnie "we thought....maybe we could help you and Foxy. Somehow. I can talk to Freddy and lighten his hate on homosexuality." I looked down "you guys don't have to do that....i-its fine...." I replied, Bonnie started to say something but shattered glass chimed thu the room and we all jumped "Foxy?" Chica yelled and stood up, Bonnie got up and followed her to pirate's cove and I followed behind. What the hell did he do?! This is the second glass broken today. We got there and Foxy was passed out on his ship, a broken bottle was on the floor beside the ship, Bonnie went to see if Foxy was hurt and chica grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow. "I-its he okay Bonnie? " I said sitting by Foxy, Bonnie nodded "he's not scratched or cut, but how did the bottle fall? What was there even- wait...guys dose Foxy drink? " he said standing back up, chica shrugged "i-i don't think he dose? Dose he?" I just looked at him, he never told me if he drank or not. When I asked about his bottle a few months ago he said they where fake....I rubbed his cheek alil, "he lied to me...." My ears went back, chica looked at me "aw Goldie no. He probably just forgot to tell you or...maybe he wasn't planning on telling anyone." That didn't help. He moved alil. "Chica he lied....he told me he didn't drink. Why didn't he tell me the truth" I said, chica frowned slightly "Goldie everyone hides things. He pro-" she got cut off by Bonnie "Guys Freddy is coming! " chica jumped "Goldie your not aloud to be near Foxy!" She pulled me to my feet and shuved me into the captain's quarters before I could protest. Freddy came in and asked why they where in there, they replied by saying they heard a noise and Freddy I believed that. He looked at Foxy "you guys I think it's time we permanently shut down the pc." I heard this and stepped back in the small room. S-shut it down? Where would Foxy go? Chica asked why and Bonnie asked what about Foxy, Freddy just rolled his eyes "we can't keep it up any longer. Parents are getting furious. Foxy can go in the supplies room just like the other non-usable robotics." I pressed my ear closer to the door to hear them better. Chica said something about Foxy still being functional for the most part, and Freddy replied "I'm sorry but no he is not. I'm gonna have to turn off his drivers. It's for the safety of everyone. " chica gasped a bit "you can't shut him down for good! Freddy have a heart!" Freddy growled "don't tell me what to do chica. It's clear we can not remove his more violent side so the only thing we can do is to move him." I could feel tears dwell in my eyes, getting rid of Foxy for good, no. No! I punched the door, and it kinda hurt my hand, I guessing Freddy heard because he asked if anyone heard it. Chica and Bonnie both said no. "Freddy , foxy's a part of our family! You can't give up on family ,it last forever!" Bonnie said trying to distract him from where I was "ohana Freddy! No one gets left behind!" Freddy made a deep mumble "you all have til Monday next week to show me why I shouldn't shut foxy down. " he turned and walked off, as soon as he was out of sound range Bonnie opened the door hiding me, he noticed my hand almost instantly "Goldie your bleeding" pff I know that. He tried to check out my hand but I shuved him aside "guys we can't let him do it! We can't! H-he can't do that to foxy!" I called out tearing up, chica looked at Foxy "we know Goldie. We won't let him....but guys, we shouldn't tell Foxy." She said sitting down near the fox. I asked why and she said "his other side would push it even more if he knew. He already attacked Freddy twice." I nodded, it made sense. Freddy was already mad if Foxy swapped again it could be the final straw...." are we gonna prove Foxy is usable? " Bonnie mumbled. I started rubbing foxy's cheek again and chica looked at me "hmm....I know. Goldie I'm gonna talk to Freddy, tomorrow you need to be in pirates cove at 11:00 sharp." I asked her why and she said just trust her. Foxy's ear twiched a little bit and I stopped rubbing his cheek, he sat up alil bit and yawned "w-what are ye guys doing in here?" Chica and bonnie looked at each other and nodded "just checking on you dude" chica said starting to walk off, "hey imma go practice with Freddy, ttly guys" bonnie said and he left as well. It was awkward for them to just up and leave but I know they did it to cover up. I looked at foxy "....are you okay?" I whispered, he looked at me and tilted his head "hm?" I looked down and grabbed his hand "I heard some glass break....twice....did....did your other half do that?" I asked, he shook his head no and his ears went down "sorry, i-i was stressed." He mumbled, "no reason to be sorry....but I have a q-question..." I looked at him again and he nodded to tell me to ask, "why do you drink...why didn't you tell me?" His eyes flickered for a sec but he shook his head and took a deep breath "I've actually slowed down on it. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to see less of me...." He looked down. I pulled him closer to me and hugged him -even tho he didn't hug back- "I wouldn't see any less of you....if I would have known I would have helped.... Please don't be afraid to tell me things...."
His ear twiched and he slowly started hugging me back. "Promise me you won't be afraid to yell me things....promise me you won't hide from me." I whispered, he looked at me and nodded "I....I p-promise...." I slightly smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you you" he said love you to and I left the room....I should probably get some kind of rest....

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