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Darkness. That was all I could see. Pure black.
I opened my eyes to no avail, the room was pitch black.
"Welcome." A small voice sounded. I quickly turned to it and put my guard up.
"Calm down. I mean you no harm. Sorry for the slight irrigation by the way I...had to calm you down." The moment he finished the stinging feeling resurfaced and I whimpered stumbling back slightly.
"Who are you? Why are you even here!" I questioned. The small bear stepped closer. The area around him and me where now washed over a lavender glow.
"I am Darky Fazbear. Freddy's younger, younger brother. I'm not surprised you don't know me. Not many do. And as for why I'm here...well....look at yourself foxy. Look at what happened. Where you are. This isn't you. Is it?" His voice had an odd melody to it, the stinging subsided and I looked at him "you...your here to help me?"
Darky nodded "More or less. Sadly I can't completely get rid or the problem."
Problem? Rude.
"Then...what are ye gonna do?" Foxy tilted his head and Darky giggled "I'm going to help you. I'm going to help you control it." Darky grabbed my hands and smiled at me. Pull away foxy. Pull away now. No. I smiled faintly back. "Foxy. I want you to focus on me. Okay?" I nodded. The purple bear's fur took on a mor black pepper look. His eyes shimmered to a soft green and he looked way less shadowy. "Now foxy. I am..attackable. Can I trust you not to hit me?" Sure you can. Foxy....come on. Pull away and kill this lunatic. Your the lunatic. I nodded and Darky released my hands. He held his arms out and looked at me. "Foxy. Your not a monster. Your not a bad guy this thing, in your mind. That's what it is. A thing in your mind." Shut him up. I will not. I hugged onto Darky. He even smelled like pepper.
Then..everything went down hill. I lost the control I had and I didn't realize it until Darky whimpered and stepped away from me.
I went to attack the bear again but his body became shadows once more. I growled.
"Foxy you was doing so well." He sighed "Focusing on me isn't going to keep you grounded. Is it?"
" I am perfectly grounded!" I growled and lashed at him. He vanished and appeared behind me just quick enough to knock me off my feet.
"This is gonna take some work"

Unstable Love(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now