He was always there....

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(first off you should know that this is a FoxyXgoldenfreddy fanfic and that many things i use i do add in for fun....and i'm sorry for any bad spelling!And GoldenFreddy is called Goldie in this....anyway hope you enjoy!oh and i do not own the people in this story!!!)

I wake up like i do every day....with a bottle in my hand and a pain in me head....i'm sitting in my cove....I can hear as kids are running and playing as Freddy and his band play on.I would normaly just hang out back here by myself until closeing time,alone.But today as i walked to the back of my ship and looked into the box i kept my fake gems and jewls in i heard something shift behind me.I turned around to see a yellow coloered bear playing with one of my flags "Goldie?What are ye doing back here?" I asked the bear.He looked at me and smiled "Just being board....i was thinking...we are normaly both pretty much alone all day so i wanted to see if maybe you wouldn't mind me hanging around with you." I looked at my ship then back to Goldie "sure i guess" I said shyly....i never really had anyone to talk to in the day time....Goldie walked arond the cove touching just about anything he could reach."Hey Foxy,why do you have broken beer bottles everywhere?"He asked.I was not in anyway wanting to tell him about my little problems so i made a little lie up "their not real!They are all for show....gotta keep up my pirate ego if i ever want Pirate's Cove back in the running ay?" ok so maybe i paniced and said something stupid like that.....Goldie looked at me then shruged it off and continued to look around.Ididn't have much to hide....the only thing i have to hide is my darker part.Ya see, Ever scents I bit a little girl-witch was no ment to be done-I have had this 'voice' inside my head....i simply call it 'him' when ever i need to speak about it.'He' is always telling me that i'm hated and that the others are only sins that must be killed,how ever....i hate haveing to hurt or kill others.I never really knew why but i would drink to drown out his words,I just don't want the others to know.Goldie must have noticed my lack of talking because he walked up to me and very sweetly asked if i was ok i said yes even tho i knew that was a lie.


Oh my gosh i never knew Foxy had some much junk!I walked around Pirate's Cove looking at every little thing.It took me a bit to realize how Foxy wasn't talking....like...at all.So i walked up to him and very nicely said "you ok?" i asked nicely becuase i didn't want to seem like i was being nosie....he said yes and i smiled at him.He smiled back but i could tell it was fake....I wanted to help Foxy....he seemed upset,I ran to the back of his ship and i got one of his pirate hats ans a hook.I jumped back into his fild of vison and yelled "RAWR!IMMA PIRATE!" he giggled and gave me a wtf look then he walked over to the entrace to Pc (Pirates Cove)i followed him and watched as he peeked out the door way moveing the purple sheet out his way.The day was now comeing to a close and you could hear kids whioneing about having to go home,I even heard one boy crying!I told Foxy that i needed to go and make sure the night watches room was in shape....he nodded and i teleported away.

~small time jump,Mike just got to work!~


I sat at my seat and proped my legs up on the table.This was my 5th night and i was so flipping ready to get it over with.I looked at all the rooms and sighed the phone ringed and when i picked it up there was this weird low grumbling sound,that never happened before.I clicked the light and saw Bonnie right at my door,didn't scare me tho.I closed the door and went on with my life,but what did scare me was when i saw Foxy running down the hall-witch only scared me becuase the night just started-I made sure the door was still closed and heard him run right into it BANG!I herd that sound so much....I never really felt bad for the stupid thing.But then i saw freddy poof into the room,no....he looks yellow.


I was chilling in the kichen and i herd a loud sound BANG!I poofed to the hall and saw Foxy on the floor with a cut on his arm "what happened?" i asked and Foxy told me that Mike closed the door when he was trying to check on em.I got upset becuase Foxy never hurts a soul and then people treat him like that and i just wanna-calm down goldie.....anyway....i poofed into the office and looked at Mike."Fr-freddy?" the blonde human asked...i can tell he was afraid.....i loved knowing he feared me.I looked him right in the eyes and whispered "you wish it was freddy....but...it's not....IT'S ME!" then sound of his screams filled the room and halls.Such a sweet song to be herd!As i draged his limp body thu the halls to the strage room i could herd little voices in my head 'nice one buddy!you killed that lil jerk!' the voices would normaly be mean but i guess they where in a good mood.I gave a shy smile to Foxy when i passed him and he smiled back almost as if to say 'thanks for being there'.

(ok imma end this part of here!hope you enjoyed it so far and hope you would keep reading as this story unfoldes more ^_^ )

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