He's hurt....

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-Freddy's P.O.V-

I smiled and walked behind the fox. "Good day Foxy." He flinched when I spoke. "E-ello Freddy...." He didn't look at me, he seemed to still be bothered.... I kneel down beside him "so Foxy, how ya been?" He kept looking down "fine....how about ye? I-is yer chest feeling better?" I nodded and he slightly smiled. I never really noticed how child like he looks, probably didn't help that he was playing with toys....I stood up and looked around the cove. "Foxy, this place is a mess. Why are there so many bottles?" His back stiffened up and he spoke with slight hesitation "there....there not real. All fake for show...." that....was the worst lie ever. I chuckled "Foxy....you know ya can't lie to me and get away with it....right? I'm smarter than that." He whimpered "aye.... There real...." He spoke quietly. I petted his head "you shouldn't drink. Its not good for you." He nodded and I turned to leave. As I was walking I herd Foxy mumble something.

-Foxy's P.O.V-

Freddy started walking out...."I don't see how ye can even drink. That stuff taste like crap. Funny for ye ta say that your the reason I do. Haha yeah right. I don't pour liquor down ye throat. You ruin everything for me tho!" I stood up, I hated arguing with 'him'....I went to my ship and climbed on. "Ya going ta bed so soon? Nah...just gonna think on how to finish the job? What? What job? Fazbear....I started it. It's got to be finished. NO!" It got quite.... Damn....I sighed and sat near the captain's quarters. Maybe I should tell the others aboot 'him'....then they would know I don't mean the things I do....or they're hate you more....good point. I stood up again and hopped off the ship. I walked out the cove and started to walk to the guard's office but when I passed the kitchen I saw Goldie. My eyes widened and I went to him. He had big cuts on his arm, and was bleeding pretty badly to. I called Freddy and the others. Finish him. No. He wouldn't like you anyway. Your wrong. Am I?....yes....maybe....I don't know....Freddy came in and gasped running to his brother. "What in hades happened?!" He said looking at Goldie's arm. "I-i don't know! But he's unconscious!" I could feel tears welling up. Freddy told Chica to go get the first aid kit. Bonnie helped Freddy move Goldie to a easier to work with spot and I was in charge of.... Nothin. They think your useless. No they don't. Bonnie and Chica know I can't handle this. So they told me to just calm myself down. Or....they thought you'd mess it up. N-no....When Chica got back her and Freddy cleaned and bandaged up Goldie's arm. Bonnie came to me and started rubbing my back "worried?" He asked, I nodded. "It must be hard to see the one you love like this huh?" I flinched alil and looked at him "h-how did you know I l-loved him?" I asked. He smiled "I have my ways." He hugged me. "He's gonna be OK, don't worry. He's a strong guy." I slightly smiled and hugged back. Chica looked over at us and gave me a 'that's adorable' look. Bonnie looked at me and giggled. I was slightly blushing.
"OK. Done. He should wake up soon. Freddy you should stay here and watch him." Chica stated walking to me and Bonnie. Freddy nodded and sat by his brother. Me Chica and Bonnie all walked to the stage.
I didn't say much and I guess they noticed. "Foxy you okie?" Chica asked I nodded and looked away. Bonnie leaned close to Chica and whispered something. She gasped "really?....Foxy do you really love Goldie?" I could feel more blush cover my face as I shakingly spoke "y-yeah...b-but its not a-a big deal." Her face lit up and she jumped in place alil "oh my goshlings!!!!" She smiled at me and then bit her lip "err Foxy.... I uh...."

-Chica's P.O.V-

GOTTA TELL HIM GOTTA TELL HIM GOTTA TELL HIM. Wait....Goldie would kill me. Dammit. "Yeah Chica?" Foxy tilted his head. "I....I think its adorable that you have a crush." I wasn't lying. Just not telling him what I wanted to. He looked down and slightly smiled. Hmm I can't tell Foxy that Goldie likes him, could I tell Goldie that Foxy likes him? .... Foxy hasn't threatened me so yes, yes I can. Foxy twiched alil and grabbed his ears. "You okay?" Bonnie asked before I could. Foxy didn't respond. I reached out to grab his arm. "Foxy?" He quickly pulled away and growled. I flinched and Bonnie yelped. "The hades man?" Bonnie said. Foxy looked at him and shook his head. He looked like he was in pain, but his body looked fine. "Foxy calm down and talk to us." I said standing up and slowly walking twords him. "Careful Chica." Bonnie whispered as I got to Foxy and grabbed his hands.
Foxy looked down and I could hear him crying. "Foxy what's wrong? " I pulled him into a hug even tho he refused to hug back. He looked at me and his eyes looked dim. "Chi-chica please let me go...." He pleaded. I shook my head no. "Please! I-i don't want you to....get hurt" he sounded scared. "Nothings gonna hurt me Foxy. I trust you. And I want to know what's wrong." I hugged him tighter. He twiched and finally hugged back. "Thank you" he said, and for a sec I smiled but then I felt a sharp pain in my side and let go of Foxy. "Chica!" Bonnie called out. I looked at my side. It had a few claw marks, but it wasn't to bad. I looked at Foxy. "Why did you claw me?" I said. "I asked to be released. Next ye should listen chicken. Before ya end up in the fryer." He replied.... I balled my fist. "I was trying to help you!" I yelled. Bonnie walked to me and grabbed my hand. "C-come on Chica. W-we should just go. T-turn the other cheek ya know?" "Ye should listen to the rodent." Bonnie frowned and squeezed my hand. "I.-i'm not a rodent...." I could tell that hit him hard. He hates being compared to rats. I growled "shut the hades up Foxy! He might be a rabbit but your the real rat here!" I stormed off holding Bonnie's hand. I herd Foxy chuckling.

-Foxy's P.O.V-

I chucklied as the time walked away....I then frowned. "Why did you do that? They where being nice. To you.. Exactly! I felt like they actually cared! Why did you mess it up?!....you know. You can't trust them. They'll turn on you. Remember how they acting right after the bi- SHUT IT!!...that's the past....they have forgiven me....after months of hating you...." I couldn't deny that. I sat down and covered my face. "I'm sorry...." I started to cry as memories begon to blast my mind. After some time I fell asleep.

I was standing on my ship, kids crowded around as the band where singing. I herd my que and jumped of the side of the ship. Walking on stage I begon my part of the show. It was going well, everyone was happy. Until this one girl came up to me. She had long curly brown hair and green eyes. She smiled and giggled " mama! Mama look at da fox mama!" I felt slightly uneasy. "Mama he looks so funny! Mama his legs are weird! They have no fur mama!" The girl started poking at my chest and It started to annoy me. She giggled and laughed at me....a sudden feeling of hatred came over me and I growled. The only things I herd was the girl and a sudden and dark voice. Bite. My vision gos black and the next thing I see is people running and screaming. Blood covers my chest teeth and lips. I look down to see the girls body, her face was torn in two. I turned to the band. Chica's eyes where wide and she was clinged to Bonnie's arm. Freddy gave me a bad look.
~~~~~~END OF DREAM~~~~~~~

I woke up, and my eyes where pouring a black liquid. I let out a few heavy breathes and looked around. It seemed to of been daytime. The band was up and I faintly hear children.

(That's all for now. Bye see ya in the next update)

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