Chapter 21

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Scout felt himself tense up, hearing his own heart beat in his ears at how loud it was. He didn't move until he saw Grave jump off the trunk on the other side. He stood still for a few more seconds before mustering up the courage to follow him. There is no way now of all times he was going to leave him alone to fend for himself. He leaped down the other side with an unstable landing, Grave already approaching the gloved hand slowly, as if at any minute it might jump out of the snow. Scout stepped foward, staying close behind when a chill creeped down his back as he laid eyes on it for the first time.

Grave kneeled next to the possible corpse hiding beneath the icy cover. He took in a deep breath, scouping some snow off the arm. Then he traced his way up the shoulder,  the face of the victim taking shape  covered by a pair of ski goggles and a bandana around their mouth and nose. He pulled his hands back for a second upon feeling the frozen skin of the victim. It was a rather tall fellow, so afraid to not be standing on him the boy moved to his side as he dusted away more snow, first seeing the shoulder, then a corner of the piece of fabric from the bandana, the long hair... Wait... The dark hair sticking out, the unnatural skin tone... It looked like.. ? No.. It couldn't be... NO!

Grave shoveled deeper, panic beginning to overwhelm him as he pulled the man out by his shoulders. With his head resting on the soft coat of white, Gravedigger pulled down the blue cloth and the goggles to reveal-



Scout flinched at the scream. Shock washing over him as recognised the man... It was Fallen King... Here? How?! And if he is here who else-?!
He was broken out of his thoughts at the cry of his friend, who had tears rolling down his cheeks as he cupped his father's face into his hands. It was cold....Way too cold...
The Titan's face was pale, his lips as blue as ice, eyes shut close with no sign of him waking up, only a small tremble moved him, caused by the ever so bitter ice seeping through his soaked clothes, only freezing him further. Scout immediately switched into soldier mode at the sight, he pulled Grave away the moment he tried to shake his father awake.

"Grave-.. Grave! Stop! Don't move him! Don't.. Move.. Him! If he has any broken bones you could make it worse!" he whispered in the most soft-serious tone he could manage.
He went up to Fallen, doing exactly what his training at camp had taught him on first aid. He checked his pulse... It was weak but it was there.. He placed his hand close to Fallen's nose feeling a shallow breath hit the back of his palm. He was alive..barely

The young man's adrenaline was still kicking in, his voice shaking, "H-He is breathing, Grave! Your father's alive.. But-"

Before he could finish, heavy footsteps were heard nearby, it was Krampus. He noticed the boys weren't returning so he decided to find them himself. He heard a loud scream from a voice akin to that of his nephew which only made him worry more. Seeing the children kneeled next to a body, shook him slightly but he hurried to them nonetheless.

"Boys what are you-... F- Fallen?" his eyes went wide at the familiar face of his brother. Tears of sorrow threatening to fall, as he struggled to comprehend the tragic events.

"Uncle, he-he was caught in-in the avalanche!" forced out Grave as he continued to sob, Scout putting his arm around him for comfort.

Krampus stroke his hair gently not taking his eyes of his brother, "It's ok! He will be ok! But we need to act quick! He is probably frozen cold!" he added as he kneeled down, lifting his little brother into his arms, his head resting on his chest.

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