Chapter 43

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Gravedigger wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, his head engulfed by the soft pillow. He had been rolling from side to side for the past half an hour, still being far too excited to fall asleep easily. The ridiculous board plan he and Scout had made and hanged on the wall across the room was not helping him either. Seeing all their sketches and notes, Scout's crude drawings from their attempts of deciphering the maps, the images, everything... It made his mind only race more as he thought back onto just how little they knew about what they were getting themselves into.. And to think they went through with it and succeded. Just wild...

Barely a few hours had passed since their arrival and things were...a little odd to say the least. It felt wrong not to gaze out into a winter wonderland when looking outside the window.
And sure, everybody was happy but... there was a sort of tension between their numbers...Void Reaver and Swordmaster have yet to even meet eye to eye with any of them...You would think Void would want to see his missing sons, right? There was no way the two of them couldn't have known about the portal opening by now... So, they were most likely avoiding them...specifically the adults...Grave himself had never seen his father's face darken as much as it did when be found out about Void wrecking the portal.. He was never quick to fury but when he did reach that point...The person who got him there might as well just pray. Not to mention the way Krampus clenched his jaw when he heard about Frost Spirit's injury... Or Sinister's outburst from his vision that one night... All three of them were terrifying Titans in their own right... But Void to be afraid of them was highly unlikely.. Swordmaster maybe but Void not a chance.. And honestly, for Grave, being left alone was not a bad thing really, after what was said and done during their last meeting he would hope, with any luck, that he doesn't have to see Swordmaster ever again..
Yet, he knows he will have to eventually... Their relationship will most likely never change either, the old fossil hated hybrids, end of story. He was more stubborn than a mule for crying outloud, no one could change his mind about anything. But...what about the others?
Ducky looked nothing short of uncomfortable when Grave last saw him with Molten... Probably still mad that he had hurt his older brother... Speaking of, Frost himself has yet to even appear, as for Molten...Well, he seemed just about the same. He didn't hate him for almost getting his father killed... No, their father. Fallen was his parent as well... He was most scared of Molten's reaction truly, his older brother was one of the only Titans in the family who actually liked him. And seemingly his father did also... Him and Frost never really sat down to do something together, they made small talk at best. Kinda like work colleagues rather than cousins.. And Ducky well... He was usually absorbed into his tablet... If he did ever respond to someone's questions it was curtly with a hint of sass. Typical thirteen year old.. Too "cool" to spend time with his family...
Although, Grave was a little more curious about him rather than Frost.. Their backstories were very much alike...Well, to some degree. Ducky was a full Titan, unlike him, raised by common town Towers to be precise.. And his departure was just as...abrupt as his own from what Grave had heard. Part of him would have wanted to know more about that, about someone who was closer to the reality he lived in. But alas, Ducky did not really care to tell him, so he left him alone..

His train of thought was cut short by a small knock at his door. He turned towards it, unsure if he had heard correctly. Light from the hall seeped into the room as someone slowly cracked the door open. A hazel eye peaked inside, followed by a bright grin. Grave snorted as he sat up, "What are you doing here, Scout? It's like midnight!"

"...Can I come in?"

"Why-.. You know what. Sure."

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