Chapter 35

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Gravedigger could feel his lungs burn from the cold air. His heart was pounding against his chest as he ran. He ran and ran, following his uncle with Scout close behind. Even with his ringing ears he could hear Scout's heavy breathing fighting against the winds pushing them back. He was exhausted but this was no time for a break. His face was red from the crippling cold, his legs were about to give out and they still had a long way to go. The same path they had casually climbed turned into a death race to get back to the cabin as fast as possible. If her words stood true then she could be there any minute now.. With Commander and Fallen...alone.
All alone...and injured...with a might-be-murderer on the loose..

Grave didn't even want to think about what she could be doing to them.. His father had a level of expertise with the sword unmatched by other Titans... But with his wound? Could he even fight? Or protect himself should the time call for it?! And what about Commander? He is just a Tower... military veteran sure... But this was no normal opponent... This wasn't the average Titan he encountered here and there.. By the sound of his uncle's shaking, rage filled voice when even speaking of her... She was no mere general..

She was something more... Far more dangerous.. Her crazed glare made Umbra seem like an angel... Her mischievous laughter made Sinister sound like a saint. Her magical knowledge rivaled that of Swordmaster with ease... maybe even outdoing it..But why? Why go through all this effort? To get back at Void for... whatever fight they might have had? Why target uncle Krampus? What did he have to do with it? Why hurt a whole family you have barely even laid eyes upon? Was it for her sick satisfaction? To feel like she finally got back at Void Reaver for everything?... What even was that 'everything' anyway?

With a loud thud Scout fell to the ground, breaking Grave out of his questioning. Scout looked down to see his boot stuck under a hefty tree root. He winced as he maneuvered around to pull out his pocket knife wrapped tightly on his belt. Ragged breaths were escaping his lips, hands shaking as he struggle to free his foot. Grave took quick notice of his friend's predicament, running to his side. He quickly snatched the knife out of his hands to offer him a moment of peace as he cut away at the root. Soon enough it gave out, breaking it's harsh grip on Scout's bruised ankle. Grave hoisted him up without a word, he still needed time to fully catch his breath. They brushed the snow off their clothes and took off after Krampus who wasn't too far away.









It had barely hit the second hour when Commander was trully starting to lose it. He sat beside Fallen's unconscious figure laying dormant on the bed. Two hours.. Two whole hours with no signs of the Titan waking up. He was breathing thankfully, Commander made sure to check that every ten minutes to make sure nothing sliped his gaze. There were no new wounds from their 'formal visitor' either, save perhaps for a few bruises Fallen had received when the mirror shattered...So, why isn't he waking up?... What did she do to him? Those pink veins... Could it be poison? Nothing to go by... Not even a twist or a turn... doesn't seem to be in pain.. Just staying still on his back with a blanket draped over him. His chest rising and setting slowly with each breath...Commander watched him, just how human he looked, it never ceased to amaze him.. Ever since he was small he was told by his elders, Titans were 'indestructible' forces set down on Earth to cause havoc. That they had impenetrable skin, animalistic in nature and features, with turbulent and feral minds. Survival was their only concern, following their instincts like apex predators. But nothing about Fallen screamed feral... he wasn't indestructible.. If he really sit to think of it, he had seen the Titan hurt in the aftermath of many of their battles... Was he... going home with those wounds? And his kids...did they see him like that? Do they know what their father and uncles do, that they fight for a living?

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