Chapter 46

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"Scout? Scout! Wait up! Where are we going?"

"Come! Faster, Grave! They will be here soon!"


Grave sped up as he chased Scout down the long hallways of the base. He watched as his friend rounded the corner and trailed after him.
Ah, right..them.

Today was the day the scouting team would be returning from their mission up North. And to say the soldiers weren't enthusiastic about it would be a lie. The whole morning everybody was practically buzzing with excitement, chores were finished faster, training fights were cut shorter, anything that could be put aside was immediately forgotten just so everyone can be present at their arrival. From Medic to Warden, to even the Commander, everybody was in the yard waiting for the Rangers up in the observation tower to signal their friends' presence.
The Tower leader was boucing his leg impatiently, sparing the boys a curious glance as they passed by him and through the crowd. Scout skidded to a halt, Grave narrowly stopping before bumping into him.

On the horizon the sun had rose above the many hills housing a thick forest that surrounded the base. A great natural defense in case of war and against weaker threats as well. Down the path leading to the main gate of the training grounds, a convoy lead by an ATV with the military insignia, akin to the one he and Scout had taken, was making it's way through the hurdles. Grave scanned the yard, the sheer number of military personnel as well as soldiers was putting him a little on edge. His family of course was nowhere in sight, they had no reason to be here, neither did he but Scout had begged him to come.

Never had he felt so...out of place before...A shadow among the crowd..
In his village he felt comfortable with the large gatherings he and his brother would run through during festivals.. Chasing one another and other neighboring kids in their games. Laughing and screaming with delight as they got caught...No one paid them any mind..He was one of them back then... He no longer is now...Every trace of Tower would be erased...even his name. He was no longer accepted...Why return there? His family would always know the truth even if he would try to hide it...He was a embarassment.

Grave shook his head, he knew the decision had already been made in his heart the moment Commander presented him with the options. But perhaps had hoped that at least a small part of his old self could be kept alive.
Life was cruel that way...

He opened his eyes again, having closed them prior without realizing. Looking around once more as the ATV was getting closer and closer, he had noticed an odd figure among the crowd..
A little farther away from Medic, stood a tall, red robed man with a hilt around his waist. He was no Tower judging by height alone. Pale green skin, a forever wrinkled frown and glassy red eyes... Swordmaster...

Grave scowled, whispering to himself, "Why would he be here?"


Scout traced after the boy's line of sight, his eyes landing on the elder Titan. He raised his eyebrows as past rumors flooded back into his mind.

"I...I am not sure.." he muttered, lowering himself to whisper to his friend, "But.. there were stories going around that..he was the one who raised Gladiator and aparently even trained him before he came here. Most said Glad was lying but Medic told me she believed him and-"

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