Chapter 51

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Two days. Two days of staring at the boring white ceiling again. The same bland ceiling in the same bland room he was forced to stay in for way too long.
At least it felt long to Fallen. One couldn't really do much whilst stuck on a  hospital bed with an oxygen mask.
Bless his brothers who had come daily to keep him company, if not he would have lost his mind without a doubt.
And when he finally thought he could see the outside world again, that he could go home with his family, his father had to ruin it. He always did.

As if the stress of running through a broken portal and surviving in a foreign world was not enough...
He leaned into the hard plastic chair, letting the cool breeze of a nearby fan soothe his nerves. In his wait to see the Commander, his mind wandered across the events of the last few weeks..
They really had done a lot in such a short time...From leaving this world behind to hugging his brother again for the first time in years. Nothing could have ever prepared him to see Krampus again. He had lost this hope long ago..
And Void Caster...The woman he had only ever heard tales of.. They had met for sure, but for Fallen to act like he knew her would have been a lie.
She was an enigma. To everyone. A memory long forgotten in their family's history. She was known for her cunning intelligence, her unmatched battle skills and her ambitious nature. Despite always having the tendancy to underestimate her opponent. A mistake his father hammered into his head not to ever make. Even the blast of the smallest of Tower could be fatal if aimed correctly. He had come close a few times.

But the idea of her being alive after her desertion felt wrong. Someone must have caught her surely.. Nobody heard of her in years.. Maybe they were truly not in their full senses in that weird dimension... To lay eyes on a dead woman in a barren land no Titan had ever crossed was inpossible.
She must have been an apparition of sorts, perhaps a hallucination. And yet, for him the memory was hazy at best but the Commander's fear was undisputable, that much he could remember. He too felt panic bang on the walls of his heart. Recently he felt the same when...when..

That nightmare, good Creator, that horrid nightmare..

Ever since then he had gaps in his memory, he would easily forget what he was doing one moment... And his injuries flared when it happened.

He knew he should get more rest, that the ordeal was messing with him but the image of that dastardly fanged grin, the black blurry eyes that blended into the green tinted skin, it kept haunting him. In a way it looked like Gravedigger's Titan form...but it just couldn't be. It was too twisted, the malice ever present in its features unlike his son's gentle face. And that purple light, akin to a lighthouse it shined through the dark, cutting through the air. He saw it for only a second before it was mashed down against his face. An odd humid breeze hit his cheeks and nose, it was suffocating. It burned with every breath, worse and worse..

e couldn't breathed. He couldn't-


The Titan's head snapped up, meeting Commander's hazel eyes shielded by the ever present sunglasses. He couldn't exactly make out the man's emotion but the slight twitch in his face expressed some sort of worry.

Before he could open his mouth to answer, Warden walked out of the leader's office. He gave the Titan a blank stare and a curt nod.

Fallen knew the man was uneasy around his family but unlike other Towers rather than trying to pick fights he just avoided them. The space he wished for was something the Titan could respect and understand.
The Tower trudged down the hall with a last salute to his superior, before Commander beckoned Fallen to enter his office.

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