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He stood tall and handsome in a dark tux looking down at me awaiting an answer from me. Whereas, I got stupefy thinking of what to say to him.

Did he see me with Zayn?

What does he assume is going on between us?

Is that why he came up to me the second he finds me all alone?

But, his face doesn’t register a sign of the slightest emotion; just sheer happiness and surprise to meet me here.

Showing pearly whites. “I thought my eyes failed me when I saw your arm joined as you walked in with Zayn Bottega.”

Fuck! I knew he caught us together. Basically everyone in the ballroom did notice us.

Say something dammit, or he will think you are stupid or worse, find out there is more to Vegas that entails with Zayn by my side.

“My father is one of his business partner, so, I got first invite giving that he could not make it here himself.” I lie smoothly.

Silently hating myself for it.

He chuckles drawing close placing a soft kiss on my chin, like an indication of an ‘I miss you’.

Feeling my lashes flutter shut drowning in the one soft touch I have had in a long time other than hard core marathon sex.

I quickly fix a smile to my lips only to meet Zayn’s haunting green eyes on me.

Dark, stormy, furious. I gulp.

The Blonde beside him watches me wearing this sickly sweet grin like she knows something I don’t while his eyes rests on me in a haunting stare.

Slowly, I see her turn to Zayn whispering something to his ear as he remains unflinching, watching me.

No public display of affection with anyone till the contract is over, if caught you will be punished.

Page four, paragraph six, line two rings repeatedly in my head as our eyes refuse to veer away from each other.

Will he fuck me? Ruin my way to New York? Or, terminate my contract with immediate effect?

Besides, it is simply a kiss on the cheek and not PDA.

Fear clouding my thoughts all sudden as I am only a few months away from skedaddling my life to New York for my dream to be a renowned writer.

I cannot jeopardize it now.

Torn between Malik in front of me and Zayn’s gazing dead focus at us. My future man and my present fuck.

Hyperventilating, unsure of what Zayn is capable of in such a large gathering. I think I am going to faint feeling my hands begin to sweat profusely as my breath labors.

This is not good. This is not good. I chant biting my lips nervously.

“Kayla? Are you alright?” Malik’s thick English accent draws my attention back to him unbeknownst what troubles my mind.

Tilting my gaze back to him, concern etch his thick dark brows which warms my heart that he is worried about my state of emergence if I may address it as such.

Malik pulls me to himself rubbing my bare back slowly.

Blinking. “Yeah. Yeah” Touching the crown of my head. “I guess it is the wine, probably had too much to drink.”

His chuckle echoes sweetly to my ears creating a grin on my red stained lips. I cannot believe it has been months too long to watch his beautiful smile.

Hell Sweet, KaylaWhere stories live. Discover now