Vol. 1 - Chapter 5: Friend

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Cover page would be present Mumei, visiting Aiko's grave with her ghost beside her.

The next day, Aiko is energetic again and is playing with Friend alongside with other children.

Aiko: woah! It's cool! It's glowing and floating!

Aiko: So you are a magician! I knew I wasn't dreaming when I saw you transform from bird into human!

Suzaku: What? transformed from bird into human?!

Suzaku: Why didn't you told us anything about it?

Aiko: I was not sure if what I saw was real! Also, because you might not let her in the village if I tell!

(Suzaku: I swear this brat...!)

Mumei: yeah, what she said was true. I have powers like that. Would you still let me in this village despite knowing all that?

Suzaku: Well... Aiko would bother me nonstop if I kick you out of the village.

Keiko: Just because you're a sorceress doesn't means you're a bad person, right? You're still welcome to our village.

Mumei: Oh one thing, I'm not a magician or a sorceress. I am a Council member. I am the Guardian of Civilization.

Everyone: T-the Guardian of Civilization?!

Everyone: M-Mumei-sama! *Everyone bows*

*Back to present, Mumei is now there telling the story to her Sana and Fauna*

Mumei: So yeah, since then the village grew into me and started to visit it a lot. If only Aiko could see the development of her village, she'll be happy. They even changed the village's name into a proper official one.

Sana: But what about the samurai people? What happened to the village? After ten of them died they can't just let that go.

Mumei: Oh, I was there. There were probably about 30 samurai that attacked the village, and we had 10-ish people ready to fight. I stepped in to the action too because I couldn't just watch that time. None of them survived, and they never bothered the village again.

Sana: Oh, they got scared of you Meimei! *chuckles*

Fauna: Oh when you told me the story, you mentioned that Keiko's grandmother was a demon right? And Keiko is half half demon... Does that mean Aiko...

Mumei: Oh yeah I said that. Keiko is only half half that's why she gets to live 300 years. Aiko inherited a bit of Keiko's power but she's mostly human so she only has a lifespan and appearance of a human. While her son... I don't think I told you yet but Keiko was pregnant with her 2nd child when I got to the village. Her son just grew up like a normal human but stronger.

Sana: Is Keiko still alive? Did you visit her today?

Mumei: No... Well, yeah kinda... I visited their grave. Keiko took her own life when her children died of old age.

Sana: Oh... That's sad... I can understand why she did that though.

Mumei: Yeah... She wanted to be with her family. You know Aiko and I back then used to play a lot. I even take her to travels and help her pick some berries she really like.

Mumei remembers more of her memories with Aiko.

(Mumei: I kinda miss her...)

Sana: I see, and you adopted her likeness of berries from here?

Fauna: Noo I remember when we first met Mumei, she is already fond of berries. She already liked berries a lot since the beginning.

Mumei: Yeah, because when I spawned into this world, I don't know what to do and the very first thing that I really saw that brought me any comfort were the wild berry bushes. And ever since then I've just been drawn to the berries in this world.

Sana: Oh, I see. I never knew that before. We've been together for a long time now but I'm still learning new things about you!

Mumei: Yeah, and you're still not used to the name I got 200 years ago *chuckles*

Sana: Well to me it felt like a week ago.

Fauna: Is it because of the time dilation thing you told me?

Sana: YES! YES! THAT'S EXACTLY IT! You know I got curious on what's inside a black hole and decided to take a quick peek. Turns out, by trying to take a peek inside, I got too near to it! Because I got too near to it, and a black hole's gravity is pretty strong, I experienced time slower than people here on Earth. As a result, since you guys experienced time faster than me, the one century here on earth felt like one hour to me. That's why it felt to me like an hour ago when you got your name. You see, time in space is pretty complicated and there are a lot more complicated and mysterious things in the universe than just time that's why it never ceases to amaze me.

*Both Fauna and Mumei's mind overheating*

Fauna: Oh I see! That's why Kronii is a pretty complicated person!

Mumei: Ohhh naruhodon't!

*Sana laughs*

Sana: I guess I blew your minds too much!

Sana: So anyway, why are you late today Mumei?

Mumei: Oh, remember Fauna when you asked me to go together to the meeting? And I said I want to stay for a bit more.

Fauna: Yeah? Why?

Mumei: Well, after you left, a phoenix came out of nowhere and started burning some parts of the village.

Sana & Fauna: A phoenix?


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