Vol. 2 - Chapter 9: Attachment

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Aruran: She reminded me of Risu that time... That's when I decided I won't let the Secret Society contol her life.

*Roberu looking at him*

Aruran: I am leading her to her death. And once she dies, I won't be able to bear the guilt.

Roberu: I see, that's why you ended your business with the Secret Society.

Roberu: Look, I know your worried about this Amelia, but I'm more worried about this Laplus person trying to take over the world.

Roberu (whispers): Also, won't you put us, your friends, in danger by talking about this? Aren't this the type of jobs that are like, you're forbidden to talk about because it's top secret?

Aruran: don't worry. It's not like someone from Secret Society is eavesdropping us right now right?

*Iroha eavesdropping*

Iroha: Target on sight. L... executive...

Lui: Good. Eliminate the target.

Roberu: I.. don't know about that. What are you planning to do now anyway?

Aruran: I'm thinking of telling the council what the Secret Society is planning.

Roberu: What?! That's too risky! It'll only bring you trouble.

Aruran: *drinks* I'm already in trouble anyway.

*stands up. Throws the cup to Iroha sneaking into the bar*

Aruran: I knew this ninja is following me ever since I got here in Tokyo. Roberu, help me capture her!

Roberu: You'd let her follow you here?!

Iroha: I am not a ninja! I'm a samurai!

Aruran: You know, I don't really wanna hit a girl.

Iroha: You won't be able to land a hit to me anyway.


*fighting ended with Roberu smacking her head. They captured her*

Aruran: D-did you just hit her?

Roberu: What am I supposed to do?! You told me to help you!

Aruran: Oh... I was gonna put her asleep with this (an injection) but I guess that works... Tie her up. I know a secure place.

*Cut to Ame and Gura on an Inn*

Ame: Two rooms please!

Adri (cameo): I'm sorry, there is only one room left.

Ame: Seriously? That room has got to have two beds, right?

Adri: It only has one bed.

Ame: Really?

Gura: Looks like we're going to sleep in the same bed tonight Watson hehe.

*Ame kinda disgusted look at Gura*

Ame: Okay I'll take it. You're sleeping on the floor Gura.

Gura: What?!

*Cut to them on the room*

*Gura lying on the floor*

Gura: I can't believe you'd let me sleep on the floor Watson.

Ame: I'm the one who paid so I'm the one who's sleeping in bed.

Gura: Whatever.

*Ame looks at Gura*

Ame: Okay fine. Come here.

Gura: Really?

Ame: *covers the whole bed* SIKE!

Gura: -_-

Ame: Just kidding. C'mere hop in. Just don't bite me and don't pee in the bed.

Gura: *0* *hops in*

*Cut to Adri serving other customers*

Customer: Two rooms please!

Adri: Oh this way!


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