Vol. 4 - Chapter 24: The Necromancer's Place

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*Ame in a dark place*

Ame: Where... am I? What is this place? Is this the afterlife?

Ame: Oh no! I left Gura alone... I can't be dead for real right?!

*calli shows up*

Calli: you are dead.

Ame: Calli? No way... I can't leave Gura alone there... *tears up*

*Calli looks*

Ame: Are you here to reap my soul?

Calli: It is my job to reap soul.

Ame: I see...

Calli: But I have changed. Thanks to you, Gura, and especially Kiara. I won't let you go. We still need you.

*Calli leaves*

Ame: Wait what?

Ame: Calli? CALLI?! Are you still there? Don't leave me...

*Ame wakes up with the whole myth in front of her sleeping. She's lying on Rushia's bed.*


*Ina staring at Ame's watch*

Gura: *vague* Ina.. Ina... INA!

Ina: huh?

Gura: I said how did the Ancient Ones got control over your body?

Ina: Oh! Well... Ever since I touched that book. There are these voices whispering in my head. These voices get louder every time I'm alone. Actually, I nearly went insane one time until you came to my life four hundred years ago Gura.

- flashback -

*Gura sleeping on Ina's tentacle, then she bites it*

Ina: Ouch! Gura... You've really done it this time!

Gura: A...?

Gura: Wah! I'm sorry! I was dreaming about food and got hungry! Don't spank me in the butt!

Ina: Wah-? I'm not gonna spank you!

Gura: Then why are you chasing me?!

Ina: Imma bite your tail too!


*transition to Ina alone finding Gura*

Ina: Gura...? Gura? *worried face* GURA!!!

*Gura snuck up and shooked her*

Gura: A!

Ina: Gura!

Gura: HAHAHA! You were so worried you thought I'd left you! You should've seen the look on your face *laughs*

Ina: *laughs* You little shark. Don't startle me like that!

*Ina looks at Gura laughing*

- end of flashback -

Gura: But when I decided to come and settle on land, I told you to come with me right?

Ina: Yeah, you did...

- flashback -

Gura: Hey Ina. Your castle is still empty and intimidating. Are you really okay living alone here?

Ina: I mean, I don't really have any place to go to anyway... This is kind of my home now. (And I'm still waiting for Sana too.)

Gura: I'm actually planning on going to land. Wanna come with me?

Ina: Aren't we on land right now?

Gura: Nooo I mean, settle here in land.

Ina: Why don't you settle in here with me?

Gura: I told you your place gives me chills. I also wanna explore more other places and do some stuff.

Ina: What stuff?

Gura: Like...um... Finding the one who destroyed my home?

Ina: Oh... I see.

Gura: Come on, come with me!

Ina: I... I would love to. But I can't.

Gura: Why?

Ina: I... I have to stay here... I can't leave this place... I'm waiting for someone.

*Gura sad look*

- end of flashback -

Gura: You never really told me who that someone is. Is it okay for you to tell me now?

Ina looks at Gura, hesitantly gave her friends name.

Ina: Sana. She's my friend. She's a part of the Council, the Speaker of Space.

Gura: You have a friend in the Council?! You've never told me that before! (Holy crap how would I tell her that they're planning to destroy the world?!)

Ina: I was planning to. When she finally returns.

Aqua: ku...

Ina Gura: Hmmm...?

(Aqua: Oh no they are both looking at me! Did I disturb their serious talk? I shouldn't have made a noise! This is embarrasing)

Ina: You uh... wanna say something?

Aqua: *blushes shyly* c-could it be the dango girl earlier...? (I said it!)

Ina: Dango girl?

Aqua: Dango... she was wearing something like that... in her hair...

Ina: Oh yeah! She is wearing something like that. That's Sana! She was here?!

Aqua: Y-yes... She defeated... the Ancient Ones... and took your book...

Ina: I'm glad she's back here on Earth now. But why didn't she show herself to me...?

(Bad Ina: Because she never wanted to see you...) *Ina looks back scared and confused.*

Gura: If that's true that she's back then... (then why'd she let us go? I know she's close with Ina but why didn't she at least captured me? Wait... If they're really planning to destroy the world, why capture the Ancient Ones? They could've use the Ancient Ones against us and take over the world? Oh probably because she wants to keep that book away from Ina. But still?! If they're planning to destroy the world, why didn't they do it now? Why bother capturing us? Why didn't they do it earlier before we recruited the other myth? Oh nyo my head is overheating, I need Watson now.)


*transition to Rushia*

*Rushia staring at the night sky*

Rushia: I think I'm all set now. I'm ready to leave. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye, Marine.

*Kanata descends from her roof*

*Rushia surprised*

Kanata: Hey Rushia! Do you have any more dead bodies in your fridge?! I wanna practice my new resurrection spell!

Rushia: K-Kanata?! No I don't have anymore! What are you doing here?!

Kanata: I told you I wanted to try out my new... spell... What's with those bags? Where are you going?

Rushia: Uh.. I'm just going on a vacation! yeah!

Kanata: You don't pack this much if you're just taking a vacation... It looks like you're moving. *Kanata realizes something*

Kanata: Wait. Are you going back to Demonic-Realm academy?

Rushia: ...

*Marine barges in*

Marine: Rushiaaa my loves~ Your Marine is already back!

*Marine sees the bags*

Marine: Oi oi oi... What's with those bags? Where are you going?


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