Vol. 5 - Chapter 28: Checkmate

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Aruran, Oga, Risu, and Roboco on a forest where Iofi's UFO landed. The UFO is finally fixed and they're sending her for goodbye.

Iofi: I will miss you guys!

Risu: Do you really have to go...?

Iofi: I... Don't worry! I will visit you guys sometimes!

Risu: Iofiii *hugs Iofi* I will miss you too WAAAAAHHH!

Aruran: We will miss you Iofi, I just wish your Roboco took her time more to fix your UFO. I wish you'd stay a bit longer.

Iofi: Aru-papa... Come here give me a goodbye hug too

*Group hug aww then we have Oga at the distance*

Aruran: Oga, are you not gonna send Iofi a goodbye?

Oga: What's the point. She said she's gonna visit us some time anyway, it's not like she's never coming back. Goodbyes are for those who would never return.

Aruran: Oga...

Oga: So I'd say, I'll see you again, you artsy alien. *pats Iofi head* Don't forget us

Iofi: Forget? *sobs* I would never! You're my first friends here on Earth! No, in this universe!

Oga: Take care out there.

*Iofi enters her UFO and flies away. As she's travelling further away from Earth, thoughts linger in her head. She doesn't want to let them go. She closes her eyes and made a decision. She turns her UFO back and returns to Earth, crashing her UFO again at the same spot*

*Aruran and the others were just about to leave the forest and was shocked when there was a loud noise behind them. They turned around and see Iofi come out of her UFO*

Iofi: Ooops... Looks like I crashed my ship again.

Aruran, Risu, Oga: Iofi... (They rushed to her and hugged each other).

*cut to Zeta arriving to Roberu's bar with her motorcycle*

Zeta: They're not here anymore! AHHH Kuso!

*Zeta leaves. Zeta tries to call Aruran while in her motorcycle.*

*Cut to Aruran and gang*

Aruan: You manipulated her... Didn't you?

*Advisor chuckles*

Aruran: Where is Laplus? I'm now here, where's Oga, Iofi, and Risu?

Advisor: Laplus is too busy preparing for the grand event! Meanwhile your friends... Didn't you sent your people inside to rescue them?

Aruran: W-what?! How... *Aruran got pissed and calls Roboco*

Aruran: Roboco! N-!

Advisor: You might wanna hold that off. *Advisor calls an SS men*

Advisor: Did you got them? Good. Bring them here.

Advisor: You bring that robot and your friend in that vehicle over here. Or else, I'll blow one of your friends head off.

Aruran: *Angrily calls roboco and roberu* come here, now.

*Roboco and Roberu shows up, Roberu is holding a bat*

Advisor: *chuckles*

*Cut to Calli and Kiara arriving at Rushia's house. They saw Gura and Ina coming out of the house. Kiara and Calli lands, Kiara returns to her human form*

Kiara: Gura! I-Ina? Is that you?!

Ina: Oh hey Kiara. *Turns to Gura* She visits my castle sometimes.

Gura: Kiara did you saw Watson on your way here? She said she's gonna take a piss but she never returned! Also, why is Calli here?

Calli: Ina... Oh I remember you now, do you remember me?

Ina: I-I... would never forget your face.

Calli: She's the only person that escaped death from me.

Kiara: D-don't worry Ina, Gura. She's changed now! I made her realize the value of life.

Calli: That's why, if what you're saying about the Council is true, then we better go stop them.

Gura: You better mean those words stinky, but the Council isn't the problem for now. We have to find Watson. She's probably around here somewhere.

Kiara: W-why? Where did she go?

Gura: I don't know! She just left and... She's gone! Again!

Kiara: Again? What do you mean again?

Gura: I'll explain later, let's just find her first okay?

Kiara: *nods* I'll fly and see if she's still around here. Calli, join them for a bit.

Gura: Thank you Kiara.

Calli: Whatever you say kusotori.

*cut to Ame and the Council*

Sana: (Why is she alive?!)

Kronii: (has Ame's watch) Where did you get this watch?

Ame: I'm the one that you need right? I know that all of you are aware that I've been recruiting powerful mythical beings, to go against you.

Bae: No need to state the obvious Ms. Sherlock. Answer Kronii's question, where did you get the watch?

Ame: If you have me, there's no need for all of you to destroy this world. You can have that watch, I would stop time travelling, just don't bother my friends again.

Fauna: What do you mean destroy the world?!

Sana: Do you have no idea who we are? We're meant to protect this reality, from people like you.

Bae: Are you insulting us?

Kronii: Maybe if we bring her friends here she'd take us more seriously.

Ame seemingly surprised by their reactions. But continued to play it cool.

Ame: Oh yeah? How are you planning on doing that?

Fauna: If you're not up to the news, Death is gone. We kept this key of his that opens the Gate of the Underworld close to any reaper of our choosing. That's how we got two of your friends here, but unfortunately, they escaped.

Ame: (Calli and Kiara? If they escaped then they're probably trying to find Gura and Ina now. This is bad.)

Bae: Sana, create a portal to the underworld. For the meantime, you'd be spending your time on our prison.

Mumei: Bye bye!

*Ame was teleported to the Council's prison.*

*Cut to Aruran and friends*

Advisor: Oh they're here! *Shien, Oga, Iofi, and Risu showed up held hostage*

Aruran: Oga, Iofi: Risu!

Iofi: Aruran!

Risu: Aru-papa!

Aruran: Shien, what the hell happened?! Where's Rikka?

Shien: Rikka is inside, captured by some pink-haired fox girl. They told us they had you cornered. They'd kill you if we do anything stupid.

Advisor: Which is what this business is about! Getting you killed. Goodbye Arurandeisu. It's been nice knowing you.

*Advisor pulls out her gun and shoots*


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