Vol. 3 - Chapter 16: Rift

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*Fauna falls in the underworld*

*Fauna spawns a huge leaf to catch her on the ground*

Fauna: That was close. Where am I?

Fauna: This place, I'm in the underworld. I have to contact the council. Oh, I don't have my phone.

Death: Welcome to the Underworld, Keeper of Nature. What is the reason of your visit in the underworld today?

Fauna: Oh look who it is, it is Death himself. I am not visiting. You opened gates of the underworld right below my foot and fell here. Was that intentional, Death?

*Death stares*

Death: I merely assisted her friends to go to the Overworld. I didn't know you were with Mori, Keeper of Nature. What is your business with her in the overworld anyway?

Fauna: Do you want me to tell you the truth? Your apprentice is a threat to the council and to the world. We are after her to capture her and the rest of the Myth.

Death: Myth?

Fauna: That's what we call them.

Death: So Mori will gain more friends in the future? I'm proud of her.

Fauna: Good for her, but you see we have to do our job as the council. We have to prevent them from meeting each other before they take us down. Before they take over the world.

Death: I know Mori more than anyone, Fauna... She won't do such things. I won't let you get near them.

Fauna: So you are planning to get in my way? Of course, what did I expect.

Death: If you want to get to her, You'll have to fight your way through the overworld.

Fauna: Are you sure about this Death? You do know what happens to anyone that messes with the Council don't you?

*Death stares*


*Kiara, Ame, gura in the inn*

*Sad Kiara moment*


Death: I suggest you three should accompany, and guide her in her adventure. Especially you Kiara, you two have been friends for a long time.

*end of flashback*

(Kiara: Maybe I shouldn't have said that.)

Amelia: I could've convinced her and change her views.

Gura: I doubt you'd be able to convince her Watson.

Amelia: I could've if it weren't for you interrupting me.

Gura: So it is my fault now?

Ame: Is it not? I told you multiple times to shut your mouth when I do the talking Gura! We could've recruit Kiara a lot easier but guess what? You two had an unnecessary fight because of your mouth! Now, Calli. This could've been easy but you're making things way harder than it is!

Gura: W-well yeah?! I was just thinking for us! For you! What if you were dying Watson huh? Or severely wounded? Would she let us heal you? Or would she straight up kill you? We can't let her in to our team she'll just drag us down! She'll kill any of us at the right opportunity!

Ame: That's why I told you I could've talk to her and change her views! I could've convinced her but your mouth just doesn't stop to interrupt me whenever I'm about to talk. You've got a big mouth for a small shark. Maybe it's YOU who's dragging me down in this mission.

Gura: What do you want me out of here huh is that what it is? If that's what you think so then I'm gonna leave to make it a lot easier for you! Seems like you'll do better without me anyway!

Ame: Then fuckin go!

*Gura tears up*

*Ame realizes what she said*

Kiara: Stop it you guys. It was my fault too Amelia. I got carried away by my emotions that I made us leave Calli.

Ame: ....

Gura: *Stands up tearing up* I was just thinking for our team, for you! If we could trust her or not!! *Storms out of the room*

Kiara: You went too far Amelia, you hurt her feelings. You have to apologize to her tomorrow.

Ame: *sigh* I need to rest...

Kiara: How did you two do well before me?

Ame: I kinda lost my patience. I'm sorry about that.

Kiara: That's just how friendships are. It's not always rainbows and butterflies. You would face problems and yell at each other but in the end, you'd still care about hem.

Ame: You're right...

Kiara: Yeah... You know I've been thinking about what I did earlier. I shouldn't have lashed out and I should've let you do the talk to Calli earlier.

Ame: Well, what's done is done. She's probably only gonna listen to you now, because you two are friends for quite a long time.

Kiara: Right. I'm gonna leave you guys for a while to look for her. You should make up with Gura too.

Ame: Yeah, I will.

Kiara: I... never had a group of friends before... Amelia. I want us to hang out together. Please reconcile with her...

Ame: *looks at Kiara* From now on, you can just call me Ame. Don't worry, we got each other 's back after all.

Kiara: *smiles* If I can make it on time, I will meet up with you guys in the Priestess' place. I'll even bring Calli if things go right!

Ame: Sure. Thank you, Kiara. Be careful out there.

*Kiara goes to the window and pauses*

Kiara: You know... We only met earlier, but it feels like we already know each other for a while now, Ameli... Ame.

Ame: *smiles* I feel the same.

Kiara: Sorry... I will go now! Auf wiedersehen! *Kiara transforms*

Ame: Careful out there!

*Ame waving at the window*

Ame: I have to apologize to Gura later.

*Ame remembers what Gura said about her time travelling to the future*

*Ame looks at her watch*

*A text from a SecretAgentNeko*

SecretAgentNeko: Hey I've been trying to reach you these past three days! You don't answer my calls!

SecretAgentNeko: Call me if you're not busy anymore.

Ame: *sigh* I'm tired, I wanna rest.

*Gura enters the room quietly and sleeps on the floor.*


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