Vol. 3 - Chapter 18: UnAlive

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Show bodies of samurais. Then a trail of blood and leading to wounded Aren, doing his best to return to the village.

Aren: Argh... I need to go back... I need to see my wife... And my daughter... *Notices Calli* A-are you death...

Calli: Now you shall perish...

Aren: No no no! I can survive this! *raises his bloody hands*

Aren: *crying* Just let me... I need to see them... Keiko... Aiko... and my son... I wanna be there... When my son is finally born.

Calli: You're a sinful man. You live longer, you'd commit more atrocities.

Aren: What...? *stares a bit then chuckles* I thought... *laughs weakly* I thought you're job is to reap souls... Not murder mortals and judge them...

Calli: Huh?

Aren: I'm not... dead yet... But you... You'll kill me... With that scythe... And reap my soul... Won't you?

Calli: ...

Aren: Those eyes... I know... Bloodlust... When I see it... You're not planning... on letting me go aren't ya...?

Calli: Now you shall perish, by the swing of my scythe!

Aren blocks the scythe with his sword, Calli teleports to his back and proceeds to reap her soul

After Calli reaped his soul, she began to walk on a dark path. Piles of bodies appear as she move forward. Whilst she was walking, her evil self shows up.

Calli: That was a stubborn one.

Evil Calli: Are you satisfied yet?

Calli: I'm not doing this for satisfaction. Fuck off.

Evil Calli: Go ahead, lie to yourself more.

Calli: I am saving them from the cruelty of the overworld how many times do I have to repeat that.

Evil Calli: HAHAHA and they say fake it till you make it. But you gotta realize no matter how many fake reasons you give your actions with, no matter how many lies you coat your killings to justify it, it won't work on me. Stop lying to me Calli, stop lying to yourself.

Evil Calli: That poor guy could've live the rest of his life with his wife, watch his daughter and son grow. But you took that away from him.

Calli: There is no reason for him to suffer in this world anymore. I don't understand why he was clinging to his life, when death is a lot more forgiving than life. I only put him out of his misery.

Evil Calli: That's right that's right. You don't understand, there's no need to understand why humans cling to their life. Just put them out of their misery. Say, why don't you kill a well and healthy human. Don't just deal the final blows to dying people, kill a well and alive person.

Calli: What?

Evil Calli: It would satisfy us like never before.

Calli: Shut up! You want me to go on a rampage! That is not the reason I went here. I went here in the overworld to do my job and understand why humans value their life so much.

Evil Calli: Oh, is that really? Why do you have to care about that when you think death is lot forgiving than life? Aren't you contradicting yourself here Calliope?

Evil Calli: Every time a person is close to death, you kill them mercilessly without caring whether they'll survive or not. What difference would it make to kill a well-alive person?

Calli: Stop! Shut up! I told you I'm saving them from their misery! I... I don't... I'm trying to understand why! Death is more forgiving than life. So why do they cling to their life every time I arrive?

Evil Calli: You know the answer to that Calli. Every time you're about to kill a dying human, they say it clear and loud.

Flashback to when Aren calls for his family as Calli was about to kill him.

Calli: I don't hear anything when I... It is you, isn't it?

Evil Calli: Every time the answer is right in your face, you choose to ignore it. Because the moment you get the urge to kill, you summon me.

Flashback again to Aren when he said to Calli "I know... Bloodlust... When I see it."

Calli: No! Shut the fuck up! No matter what you say I won't give you what you want!

Calli: I lose control over my body every time I do it. Every time YOU do it! You shut my ears every single time I get close to the answer I seek. You creep up behind me when there's someone to kill. I won't let you take over my body anymore!

Evil Calli: You've been here in the overworld for God knows how long now. It took you so long to finally notice me. You're a failure to Death-sensei. He knows that most of the souls you reaped died by our own hands.

Calli slashes this Evil Calli but it just went through.

Calli: Fucking stop already! I'm gonna slit your throat if I catch you!

Evil Calli appears behind Calli, she gets close to her ears and whispers:

Evil Calli: But every time I do it, you feel it don't you? The screams, the feeling when you pierce a flesh with your scythe, the sound of blood leaking from the body, and the life getting drained away from their eyes. The pleasure from all of that, you feel it don't you?

Calli looks at her hands all bloodied.

Calli: No... I... don't...

Calli looks forward and sees dead bodies everywhere.

Calli: What... the fuck... is this...?

Evil Calli: Those are the people we killed. You liked it didn't you? That's why every time you have the urge to kill, you let me take over. And use your excuses to to keep on doing it without feeling any guilt.

Calli: Stop... Fucking... With my head! Get out!

Evil Calli slowly puts a mask in Calli's face (the mask from UnAliveMV).

Evil Calli: You're a reaper, you were never meant to sympathize with humans. You don't need to understand why they value their lives; they will all die anyway. To move forward, we must be void inside.

Calli walks up the mountain of dead bodies then transitions to a building, back to the real world. Calli is looking down at the humans below.

Evil Calli: All this time you've been suppressing me. You've been holding back your desires. But you have to accept me, your true nature. Because from now on, we are one now. Let's not hold back this time, shall we?

As Calli was about to jump off the building and kill people, Kiara comes in as hope in the dark mind of hers. Evil Calli was blown away literally from Calli's body by Kiara's light as she lands.

Kiara: Oh hey Calli! There you are!


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