Vol. 2 - Chapter 12: The Immortal Phoenix

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Show Ame and Gura having fun at the village. Three days has passed yet they haven't started their task yet. In the background you can see Oga, Iofi, and Risu.

Ame: It's been three days since we landed here, and we haven't even go to the volcano yet!

Ame: Come on Gura wake up! Let's go! It's 3pm in the afternoon for god's sake! We wasted too much time!

Gura: Is this where she lives?

Ame: Looks like it.

*Title screen*

Gura: It's pretty hot in here. Imagine living in a stinky volcano, geez. What a terrible place to live in.

Ame: Hey shut it! She might hear you-

Kiara: Imagine living in Atlantis- Oh wait! Atlantis doesn't exist anymore, my bad.

Kiara: Anyway, what business does an Atlantean and a young woman have in my lair?

Ame: We're just here to talk-

Gura: Hey what did you say? Were you insulting me and my hometown you chicken?!

Kiara: What?! Did you just call me a chicken?!!!!!!!

Gura: Yeah I just did you fried chicken.

Ame: Goddamit Gura.

Gura: What she insulted my home!

Ame: You shouldn't have opened your mouth when we got here. Now she's angry.

*Kiara transforms to her phoenix form*

Kiara: I'm gonna teach you some manners you little shit!

Gura: I'm probably older than you big shit! I'm the one who's gonna teach you some manners!

Ame: This'll be harder than I thought.

*Gura Kiara fighting*

Ame: Hey listen! We're not here to fight!

*Gura Kiara fighting*

Ame: We just want to talk goddamit!

Gura: You really think you can defeat me? A shark girl with water powers?


Gura: Water defeats fire! It's elementary! You won't defeat me!

Kiara: Ohhh don't get so cocky little shark. Water may defeat fire but-

*Gura "defeats" her somehow*

*Kiara turns into ashes*

Gura: HAHA! Got you! See that Watson? I defeated her!

Ame: No you didn't.

Gura: Huh?

*Kiara rebirth*


Gura: She's immortal! That's unfair!

*Gura Kiara fighting*

Ame: This'll take forever!

*Ame shoots Watson concoction to Kiara*

Kiara: huh? I feel a little weird.

*Kiara going crazy and flies away*

Ame: Let's follow her!

Gura: Woah Ame what did you do?

Ame: I shot her with Watson concoction. This was a gift from Coco before she left. She'll feel a bit weird for a while.

*Kiara burning the forest*

*Kiara fells*

Ame: There she is!

Ame: I'm telling you Gura. Do not open your mouth once she regains consciousness. We'll talk to her properly.

Kiara: You... Little shits... What... Did you... do... to me...?

*Kiara fell unconscious*

*Chloe watching them in the background*


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