Vol. 3 - Chapter 15: Grim Reaper's First Apprentice

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*Title screen to Fauna and Calli stare down.*


Bae: According to Kronii, Amelia Watson is already recruiting the other myth. You'll go check on the KFP island, see if they're onto the phoenix. I'll ask Sana to go to the Priestess' place. Call me if anything happens!

Fauna: Oh okay!

*end of flashback*

*Fauna remembered Kronii's words*

Kronii: As far as I can remember, the other one is a reaper with a pink hair and eyes.

*End of flashback*

Calli: She was supposedly dead and I was about to reap her soul. Stay out of our business.

Fauna: Found you.

*Fauna attacks Calli*

Calli: What the-! Hey!

*Fauna continuously attacks Calli*

Calli: What is your problem?!

Fauna: You will hurt someone precious to me, I won't let you do that. As a council member, I shall capture you alive.

Calli: The fuck did I do to the council?!

*Fighting, Fauna binds Calli*

Fauna: I need to call the Bae-! Crap! I don't have my phone!

*Kiara, Ame, and Gura appears from the ground (they ridin kiara's phoenix), hitting Fauna*

*Fauna falls to the underworld*

Kiara: Hey Calli! Are you okay? What happened? Who was that?

Calli: I'm okay.

Gura: Wait this is where we were before. You were here the whole time?! Death-sensei just wasted his power creating that key.

Calli: Death-sensei? Why did you meet with Death-sensei? Who are you guys?

Gura: I'm Gawr Gura!

Ame: Amelia Watson! Nice to meet you.

Calli: Oh hey. Nice to meet you too. I'm Mori Calliope, Grim Reaper's first apprentice.

Calli: What's happening here? Why'd you go to the underworld Kiara?

Kiara: These are my new friends! We were trying to find you!

Calli: Why?

Kiara: cause I missed you!

Calli: What the heck kusotori.

Kiara: Just kidding! Wait no, not really. I wasn't kidding when I said I missed you. Anyway, Amelia go tell her!

Ame: That girl... That was Ceres Fauna right? Why is she here?

Calli: I don't know. She was healing a dying squirrel girl. I was about to reap her soul when that Fauna showed up.

Calli: I guess she kinda got pissed about that. But then when we fought, she mentioned about capturing me alive. Like what the fuck did I do girl?

Ame: They've started their move. They're already hunting us down now.

Calli: What do you mean us? Why am I involved here?

Ame: Calli, can I call you Calli?

Calli: You already did.

Ame: Okay Calli, we're recruiting the powerful mythical beings here on Earth. To stop the council from destroying the world.

Calli: You want my help, to stop them from destroying the world?

Ame: Yes. They would use their power in the future to destroy this world, we have to prevent that from happening.

Calli: Why would I? If there would be a lot of deaths, then I would be able to reap a lot of souls.

Ame: (Oh crap. I forgot that she is a reaper. Of course, deaths would please her!)

Gura: Hey. Isn't this what Death-sensei said? Kiara?

Kiara: Huh? Oh...

Gura: Is that why you confronted Fauna when she healed the squirrel girl?

Calli: What did Death-sensei say about me? That Fauna-girl was interfering with my job, of course I had to confront her.

Gura: Ame, I don't think we should be recruiting this girl.

Ame: We need her Gura. She's one of the myth-

Gura: She doesn't see the value of life like Death-sensei said! Death can go knocking at your door. But she? She would barge right in and take your soul!

Calli: The heck are you talking about?

Ame: No Calli, It's not ju-

Gura: Death-sensei told us that you're too obsessed with your job you reaper maniac!

*Ame glares at gura*

Gura: You know, if Death-sensei was the one we're recruiting, he'll probably agree to stop the Council because he understand the importance of life, unlike her! Can't we just recruit Death-sensei instead?

Ame: Are you done now? It is not just about destroying the world Calli. They are after you, you can't face them alone you need us.

Gura: I can't let her in the team! I can't trust her-

Ame: Gura would you shut up for a sec-

Gura: No! What if you were dying Watson? Would she give me a chance to heal you? Or would she just reap your soul right away.

Calli: You know what? You're right. Aside from looking for the cause of decline in reaping business, I don't see why people cling to their life so much.

Calli: Me and Death-sensei have different views in life, and I want to understand his views that's why I came to the overworld. But up until now I can't seem to grasp his views. For me, death is a lot more forgiving than life. Why suffer living in the overworld when you're gonna die anyway?

Calli: In the underworld you don't have to work to survive. You just need to wait until your judgement day. You know how judgement works right? Bad people go to hell, good ones go to heaven, and the neutral boring ones stay in the underworld. The earlier a person dies the more chances that person can avoid hell, because that person won't be able to commit an unlawful act here in the overworld. That's why the moment a person gets in touch with death, I reap their soul immediately.

Calli: That is my act of mercy. I'm giving you a favor. Not only you won't have to suffer living your dystopian life here in the overworld anymore, you'd die early to avoid committing your future sins. Keeping your chances low for an eternal damnation in hell.

Ame: But don't you thi-

Gura: See?! She's delusional! She's killing people thinking that she's saving them!

Calli: I fucking told you it's an act of mercy.

Kiara: So, if I was a mortal, would you rather let me die even though I loved living out here? Because in the future, you think I might commit an evil act?

Calli: No, not only that. You are an immortal phoenix, Kiara. I can imagine the pain of your loneliness in this world. If I could reap your soul, I would bring you to the underworld. There we could-

Kiara: Didn't I just said that I loved living here? Flying in the blue skies seeing the nature from above. Underworld doesn't have those. If you were to reap my soul then you are not saving me, you're about to make me more miserable by taking away those little things that makes me happy.

Kiara: And don't start me with hell, I don't give a shit about that! People go there when they deserve it, and God knows that I would never see that place! Ame, Gura, we're done here. Let's go find Ina.

Ame: *sigh*

*Chloe watching them*


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