Vol. 4 - Chapter 20: The Priestess of the Ancient Ones

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Bae is trying to contact Fauna, to see what happened. But Fauna doesn't answer her phone. Bae teleports to where Fauna and Calli's fight happened. She saw Fauna's phone. Bae then summons her Fauna doll and asks Fauna directly.

Bae: Fauna! Where are you?

*Back to Fauna fighting for her life in the underworld.*

Fauna: The... Underworld.

*Panel shows parody of HoloCure with Fauna as the player and getting overwhelmed by the enemies.*

*Bae shows up*

Bae: You pipsqueaks dare to hurt our Fauna?!

Bae then saw Death and gave him a ferocious stare.

Bae: You're dead. Death.

*Cut to Calli on the Council chamber*

Calli: What happened to Death-sensei. What did you do to him?!

Bae shows this box of glass prison and in there, you can see Death's bones.

Bae: You see, immortality does not matter if you're up against to an omnipotent being like me who has control over preexisting concepts, ideas, and beings. Erasing someone's immortality is nothing to me.

Calli: What?! You motherfucking brat!-

Fauna: Our other Council members are after your friends now, it's only a matter of time before they get them.

Bae: This is what happens when you mess with the Council. This is a lesson for both of you to learn. You take another step forward to your plans; we will torment you forever.

Calli is sad about Death's death.

Kiara: No... Something doesn't- This doesn't make sense. Calli, they're trying to get in your head.

Calli looks at Kiara and gets what she's trying to say.

Calli: You're right. You can't kill Death. Because if you did, no one would rule the underworld. Death is the one that maintains order in the underworld. Without him, madness would unfold in the underworld and the souls and creatures there would find their way here in the overworld.

Kiara: You can't fool us rat!

Bae: Don't worry, because of Death, aka Thanatos' death, I put someone else in charge. Anubis is back.

Calli: What?! You brought that jackal back?!

Bae: Don't worry, the Underworld would keep its order without Death and while you're in the Prison Void. Goodbye.

Calli: Hey wai—!

*Bae teleports Kiara and Calli to their prison*

Bae: I hope she believes that.

Fauna: Something doesn't sit right here Bae. If they're really planning to face us and destroy the world, they could've used Death's minions and take over Earth. We need to know their motives, why they would want to fight us.

Bae: *looks at Fauna* Let's wait for Sana, Kronii, and Mumei to capture the other three. Then we'll have another Council Meeting. I won't let them hurt you guys, and I won't let them destroy our home.

*Cut to Ame Gura on their journey to Ina's place, they are walking far apart with gura on the lead*

(Ame: This is so awkward...)

Ame: So uh... You know it's alright for you to tell me what's bothering you.

Gura: ...

*Sad ame...*

Ame: Uhh hey Gura! I've been wanting to ask you this. How did you know where Ina lives?

Gura: ... We were friends. We were together a lot before I settled with you.

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