Vol. 4 - Chapter 21: Sea Battle

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Ame: Oww...

Marine: Ara~ A hot blonde fell from the sky! Is this a blessing from God?

Crew: Who are you?!

Marine: Don't scare her you! Stop!

Marine: Ahoy! What is an overseas sexy girl doing in my ship? Are you okay?

*Helps her get up*

Ame: Ah! Hello! Are you the captain of this ship? I'm sorry I damaged your ship!

Marine: No, it's okay, my crew can fix it! Aqua! Bring in the tools. You! and You! and you! Help her and get to work!

Crew: A-Aye!

(Ame: Canons... I could use that to help Gura.)

Marine: So... Care to explain why's a hottie like you end up falling onto my ship?

Ame: Oh! You might not believe me, but there's a... (Hmm how would I explain Ina?)

Ame: There's a monster octopus that yeeted me here!

Marine: Monster Octopus?-!

*Gura and Ina fell to the ocean. Ina's tentacles grew in size in the ocean*

*Marine aroused at the tentacles*

Marine: Tentacles?! Oh~ How erotic~

Ame: Hey you're the Captain right?

Marine: Aye! I am the Senchou of the Houshou Pirates! Hoshou Marine desu! At your service.

Ame: Can you use the canons to fire at those tentacles?

Marine: Fire at those tentacles? To get their attention and... And... *Thinking of kinky tentacle play* You're smart! Let's do that!

(Ame: Does she have a tentacle fetish or something? She's a weirdo...)

Marine: Okay Houshou Pirates! Prepare the canons!

Crew: Aye!!!

(Ame: I see how this works. As far as I know Ina gained her powers when she picked up that strange book. If I could get that book away from her, she might probably go back to her original self...)

Marine: Are we lined up? Okay then... FIRE!

*They fired at Ina, Ina notices and gets closer *

Marine: Ohhh she's coming right here! She's coming right here!

*Ame doing her best with the bow, shooting Ina*

Marine: Come let me play me with your tentacles!

*tentacles almost reached for Marine, but goes to Ame instead*

*Ame uses the tentacles as her advantage to get closer to her, but is caught by another tentacle.*

AO: Greetings, "manipulator", it's been a while.

Ame: What'd you call me?

*guwa throws her trident at Ina's tentacle that's holding Ame, severing it.*

Marine: How did it feel?

Ame: Oh god she almost broke my ribs!

*Gura lands on the ship*

Gura: Are you okay Watson?

Ame: Yeah I'm fine...

Marine: A loli shark! Are you her friend?

*Gura looks at Ame*

Gura: No! we're not! For now.

Ame to Aqua: Watch out!

*Ame saves Aqua from getting hit by a tentacle*

Ame: Are you okay?

Aqua: Y-yes...

*Gura defends the ship from the tentacles*

Gura: Give us a break you tentacles!

Ame: Hey Gura... I have a plan. Distract her.

Gura: What are you gonna do?

Ame: Just distract her! I'm gonna try to get the book away from her!

Gura: But-!

Ame: No buts! We have no time. Just, trust me on this one okay.

Gura: Whatever Watson! I'm still mad at you! I'll do it, I can handle her alone!

Ame: Godda-! *remembers her hurtful words to Gura* *sigh*

Ame: The one that is controlling Ina's body, the Ancient Ones, are a group of powerful cosmic beings. You can't face them alone! I have a plan and you have to cooperate with me!

Ame: If you still don't want to forgive me, then it's fine. Just remember, we're trying to save your old friend here Gura. You can't win against them alone if you don't rely on me because of your pride. I'll be on my knees and ask for your forgiveness later, but for now, let's bring Ina back.

*Gura looks at Ame*

Gura: Okay fine! Hey you! You took Ina away, and now you hurt my... Accomplice! I won't let you get away with that!

*Gura brings their fight back at the sea*

Ame: There we go! Marine-senchou! I need you to get the ship a bit closer to her!

Marine: Aye! Leave it to Marine senchou! You heard her my crew! Sail!

*Gura and Ina fighting and the ship got closer to Ina*

*Ame shoots her bow to her*

*Ame runs to the bow with the book. Ina turns around.*

*As Ame was about snatch the book, Ina raises her arm with magic circle then smiles*

AO: Forgive me, Manipulator, but this has to happen.

Ame: What? *Looks surprised*

*Ina smashes Ame with a big hand. Yeeting Ame to a cliff, hitting her head to a rock, killing her. Ame fell to the sea*

*Everyone shocked*

Aqua: Oh no...

Marine: Overseas sexy girl! NOOOO!


*Chloe watching them from Ina's castle*


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