Vol. 5 - Chapter 36: Hope Awakens

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The chapter opens at a militia shooting at Dracula, turning the citizens into vampires. Hades is now out, with his pet Cerberus. Jack the Ripper is once again now killing tons of people. Vishnu is out there doing whatever the heck he's doing as long as it's a bad thing. Loki is there too unleashing chaos with his furry children. A huge roster of villains from different folklores and mythology are causing havoc all over the world. Then cut back to Japan. A telephone is ringing in the prime minister's room. A-chan showed up and answered the phone call.

A-chan: Y-yes! I'll call him right away.

A-chan then proceeds to get her other phone and calls the prime minister, whom, is on the front of the huge force field that the Council created. He is heavily guarded by the military. His phone rings and answer A-chan's call. He turns his back, facing the readers.

A-chan: Apparently, this isn't Japan's problem anymore. The world leaders wanted to unite and hold a very urgent meeting now!

The prime minister turns around, his face is now visible to the camera. The prime minister is the last Eldritch being that Sana has been tracking down, Nyarlathotep. Disguised as Yagoo.

"Yagoo": Sou desu ne.

He turns his phone off and walks away.

There is chaos everywhere on every side of the world and by the end of part 1, Irys had her 2nd awakening.

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