Vol. 1 - Chapter 2: The Council

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[Kronii dream sequence of HoloMyth vs Council]

[Vague council trying to wake up Kronii]

[Kronii wakes up shouting Mumei]


Bae: Kronii!

Fauna: Kronii are you okay?

Sana: You were having a nightmare...

Kronii: Oh.. I-I'm okay..

Kronii puts her hands on her face, shocked.

Fauna: You don't look okay Kronii.. You were shouting in your sleep.

Sana: You look horrified... What did you see in your dreams Kronii?

Kronii: I... saw the future.

*title screen on council meeting*

Bae: So according to your dream, in the future, there are people who would face against us.

Kronii: That seems to be the case. And it seems they're not human. No, one of them is human. Probably that time traveler blonde that's been messing with time for a long time now. I'm surprised she's gone quiet these past century.

Bae: Do you think this dream will really happen in the future?

Kronii: Well... The dream felt pretty real to me. Actually, it didn't even felt like a dream, it felt like a memory.

Sana: Can't you travel into the future to confirm?

Kronii: I don't know how far it is from the future. Plus, you all know that I have to be careful not to create paradoxes when time travelling right?

Bae: Yeah, you're right. Since the timeline was fixed, Omega told you to be careful not to mess up the timeline.

Kronii: That was just annoying. Why am I the one that she's telling to be careful not that time traveller who's actually the one messing up the timeline.

Sana: This is why I'm slowly losing my trust to the upper ups. I wonder why our Gods just went into slumber and didn't go looking for that 5th mysterious one.

Fauna: Maybe they're just planning something...

Kronii: You know what, curse that 5th God that came out of nowhere and fixed our timeline. I can't travel in time freely because of him! Or her! Whatever!

Bae: Hey assuming that the dream is indeed the future. Should we be worried about our current strength Kronii?

Kronii: Nah, I think we can handle them. But I'd say they're pretty strong too. I remember in the dream they were able to at least match our strength. One of them even hurt Mumei pretty badly.

Fauna: Ohhh that's why you were shouting her name at the top of your lungs while you were asleep.

Kronii: Was it that loud?

Everyone: Yeah

Sana: It echoed throughout place. That's why we got worried.

Kronii: Ohh... Sorry... For making you guys worried.

Bae: No it's okay Kronii, the fact that you shouted Mumei's name thinking she's hurt shows how much you care about her.

Kronii: Awww thank you. Not only Mumei though. I care about all of you.

*Everyone bursts out of laughter*

Bae: Thanks, Kronii *laughing* (That came out of nowhere lol)

Kronii: Hey why are you all laughing, do you wanna die?

(Inner Kronii: Now I regret saying that.)

Sana: No no I'm smiling! I'm just breathing and it sounds like a laugh.

Fauna: Ohhh I wish Mumei was here, she'll burst out of laughter hearing you say that *laugh*

Bae: By the way, where the heck is Mumei anyway? Why isn't she here yet?

Sana: Mumei... I'm still not used to her new name; it feels weird saying it. Where did she even get that name?

Fauna: I think Mumei is in that village again. I remember Mumei telling me she got her name in there too.

Kronii: Hmm... Why didn't she told me anything about that...?

Fauna: Oh, is that jealousy I sense from you Kronii?

Kronii: Wha-?! What do you mean jealous? Of course not, not at all. Why would I be?

Fauna: That sounds like a jealous person would say.

Kronii: I told you I'm not. Why are you like this Fauna? You know what, Imma go get some air. Just call me when Mumei is here.

[Kronii left]

Fauna Oh no I think I made her angry...

Sana: Nah she's fine, that's just our usual tsunderonii.

Bae: Well... I guess we'll continue this meeting once Mumei is here then. Fauna, you go bring her here. Imma watch over Kronii. I'll call all of you once something happens.

Fauna: Oh that telepathy thing of yours never fails to scare me. At least give us a warning before you speak in our minds

Bae: Don't worry, I'll give yáll a nice whisper first!

[Bae left]

Sana: So... I'm still curious on how Mumei got her name.

Fauna: Oh! About that.

[Cut to Mumei]

*Show Mumei travelling*


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