Vol. 4 - Chapter 25: Reopened Wounds

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Marine: Oi oi what's with those bags? Are you going somewhere?

Rushia: Huh? Uhh no. I just went to shopping... And bought some bags...

Marine: Kanata... Is that true? Why are you here by the way?

Kanata: She's uh... *looks at Rushia* *Rushia looking back with a death stare* she's going on a vacation.

Marine: Vacation? alone? This doesn't feel right. I think you two are hiding something from me.

Aqua: A-Ah! Senchou!

*Marine looks back to Gura and Ina and ded Ame*

Marine: We'll talk later. Right now Rushia, they need your help.

Rushia: Huh? Who are they? Ah! A shark loli! Hello, my name is Uruha Rushia! How can I help you nanodesu?

Kanata: Oh a dead body! (in the background)

Rushia: Do you want me to perform a necromancy on her nanodesu?

Marine: Oi stop with the nanodesu.

Ina: Ah no! We want to resurrect her! Can you please bring her back to life?

Rushia: Resurrect her? I don't know how to bring back someone to life. However, the angel behind me knows how nanodesu!

Marine: Huh? You liar. I saw you do it what do you mean you can't?

Kanata: Fufufu~ Looks like Marine can't tell the difference between necromancy and resurrection.

Marine: Isn't that the same thing?

Rushia: No. I reanimate the dead. While resurrection is literally bringing the dead back to life in full condition. That's why the one I performed necromancy on became a zombie! Do you want her to be a zombie Marine?

Marine: Ohhhh... *looks at myth then looks away* Now I feel embarrassed. Kanata just perform your resurrection already.

Kanata: Okay ummm. Let her lie on the ground.

Crew 1: Okay!

Kanata: Umm... Are you her friends?

Gura Ina: Yes!

Kanata: I need to let you know that I just learned this spell recently. I don't know if thing s are gonna go well...

Gura: I-It's okay! As long as there's a chance she can get back to life! We'll believe in you.

*Kanata nods.*

Kanata: O-okay!

*She performs the resurrection spell, back to chapter 21 intro when Ame woke up*

*Chloe watching them by the window*

Ame: Huh...? Where am I? Is this heaven? I remember seeing Calli then an angel...

*Gura wakes up. Still on Ame's POV*

Gura: W-Watson?! It worked! The resurrection spell worked!

*Ina wakes up too.*

Ina: Ohh!

Gura: You're back! *tearing up*

Ame: G-gura...? Was your eyes always been this far apart?

Gura: *chuckles* You dummy! Don't scare me like that again!

*they hug awwwww*

Ame: Is that...? *Looks at Ina* Is she normal now?

Gura: Ah! Yes! This is Ina! Ina, meet Watson! The greatest detective I know!

Ina: Uhh umm... Hi! I'm... Ninomae Ina'nis.

Ame: Hello! The name's Amelia Watson! Nice to meet you!

Ina: Uh... umm... Do you... by any chance... (No! It'll make me suspicious if I ask her!)

Ame: Hmmm?

Ina: Uhh... I'm sorry... For what I did to you... *tears up*

Ame: Uhh no worries! What's done is done, we should move on! Plus it wasn't your fault right? It was the Ancient Ones that took control of your body. So don't blame yourself okay?

Ina: O... Okay!

(Vague talking as Ina stares at them two

Gura: That's what I told her too, but she can't help but blame herself.

Kiara: I didn't expect the priestess to be this precious

Ame: Oh wait I remember seeing you in my dreams Calli.

Calli: The heck is she doing there?)

(Ina: That watch. The Ame I know has it. It'll make me suspicious if I asked her if she can time travel with it. But if what I'm thinking is right, this Ame and the Ame I know in the past is probably the same person.)

*Ina remembers the time Ame jumped off the cliff*

(Ina: The same person that has a terrible fate that lies ahead in her future... That means... I should stop her time travelling before she get to that point in her life...)

*flashback: Ame lying on floor with her hand on her ears, Close up on Ame's face crying seems like going crazy, Ina with short hair hugging Ame*

*Ina crying*

*They looking at Ina*

Gura: I-Ina? Are you okay?

Ina:*close up in her face* huh?

*cut to Sana visiting the council prison*

Sana: If Amelia Watson is dead, then that means Kronii's dream is just a dream. It won't come true. And if it won't come true, then there's no need for us to keep Ina's friends imprisoned.

Sana: Keeping them imprisoned would just give them a reason to fight us. I don't want to fight Ina's friends... I don't want to fight her...

*Sana passes by Hades' prison*

Hades: Hey! It's been thousands of years since I got imprisoned here that I lost track of the date! Would you care to tell me what day is it today, Speaker of Space?

Sana: It's-

Hades: Is it the day I finally get out of this fucking prison?!

Sana: Which part of "eternal imprisonment" do you not understand, Hades?

Hades: All of it! You know all my time here I've been thinking why. Why did I got imprisoned when I did all of you a favor. When my actions were justified!

Sana: You helped Poseidon kill Zeus-!


Sana: ... I know. But that doesn't justify the murder of the entire Greek pantheon.

Hades: AAAAAAAARGH! THIS IS UNFAIR! WHY DID SHE ONLY FREE THOSE TWO?! I swear to Poseidon if I see her again I'll dispose her to hell!

Sana: What are you talking about?

Jack the reaper: That phoenix and Death's apprentice. They're free.

Dracula: These prison cells are unbreakable, but your level of security is pitiful. No guards, no anything. You Council rely too much on your powers.

Sana: What? No no no... How?! Who helped them escape?!

Hades: You'll know if you'd break us from these prison cells.

Sana: Bloody hell I need to tell Bae! *Sana rushes out of prison*

Cut to Marine and Rushia talking.

Marine: We need to talk.


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