Vol. 5 - Chapter 34: Justice against Chaos

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Gura tries to avenge her people by fighting Bae. But when Gura confronts Bae and asked why she did those things to Atlanteans, Bae tells the truth. Bae never killed Poseidon. Poseidon killed himself because he's a coward bastard. Bae admitted that she and the Council never massacred Atlanteans, someone else did. 

When Mumei and Fauna were evacuating the Atlanteans, a shark girl with red eyes and red hair highlights showed up and killed the Atlanteans that was escaping. The red shark girl is evil Gura from the future, she's gone mad and running on a rampage. Poseidon's trident landed somewhere in Atlantis and an Atlantean girl picked it up, it was blue Gura of course. The trident granted her Poseidon's powers (such as water powers & immortality) and gave her a shark tail. When she saw Red Gura killing Atlanteans, she got mad and they fought. Mumei and Fauna noticed this. Red Gura is stronger so she beat the heck out of Blue Gura, but before Red Gura can kill her past self, Mumei and Fauna stopped her.

When Mumei and Fauna was about to fight Red Gura, the Manipulator showed up and beat them up. Beaten up Fauna picked up unconscious Gooba and took her to safety. Bae, Kronii, and Sana noticed them and tried to subdue this Manipulator. Their fight resulted to Atlantis' destruction. But Gura and Bae don't know that, the only thing that Bae admitted is that she did not kill Poseidon, and they had nothing to do with Atlantis destruction. Fauna arrived to report and is there to back up Bae's claim. That very moment Fauna started to put things together, a piece of sealed memory was unlocked and she finally remembered Gura, the girl she saved from Atlantis. 

The reason why they don't know the truth about Atlantis is because the Manipulator wiped out all the memories of every single witness, and everyone involved on this terrible event, including the entire Council. The manipulator is way more powerful than the Council at this point, and Omega knows...

After their fighting, when Gura learned the truth. Bae sympathized with Gura and they never put her in the glass prison cube.

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