Vol. 3 - Chapter 14: The Underwold

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*Kiara stabs the key to the ground*

Kiara: Are you ready?

*Ame & Gura nods*

Kiara: Then brace yourself.

*The gate of the underworld opens and they fall inside it and then title screen*

Ame: wooaaahhhhhhh!


*Kiara in Phoenix form catches Ame and Gura before they fall flat to the ground*

Ame: woohhhh! That was terrifying.

Gura: I would never enter hell again.

Kiara: This isn't hell. This the underworld.

Gura: What's the difference?

*Gura looks at some demons and skeletons and zombies*

Gura: Oh hey Ame, it's your kind!

Ame: Shut up you muppet.

Gura: *gasps* Did you just called me a muppet you dingus!

Ame: You started it.

Gura: No I didn't... Did I? Hey can you call me muppet again but in british accent?

Ame: You fookin' muppeh

Gura: *Laughs* fookin' muppeh *chuckles*

Kiara: *laughs* Aww you two are so cute! Never thought you were such an M Gura *laughs*

Gura: What's an M?

*Ollie saw Kiara*

Ollie: Oh hey Kiara!

Kiara: Ollie!!!

Ollie: Who are these two?

Kiara: These are my new friends! The blonde here is Amelia Watson, and the little shark here is Gawr Gura.

Gura: Hello Zombie girl!

Ollie: Cute! Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Kureiji Ollie!

Ame: *Shake hands* Nice to meet you Ollie! Oh your hand came off.

Ollie: It's alright! What brings you here for? *Ollie reattaches her arm*

Kiara: We're looking for Calli. Did you see her here?

Ollie: No I didn't... Sorry.

Kiara: It's okay! Thank you Ollie! We'll go meet the Death-sensei to see if he knows where Calli is.

Ollie: Okaaay! See you later! Bye Amelia and G-Gura?! Hey don't touch that!

*Gura touching an Mare*

Gura: Why? This little guy looks cute!

Ollie: That's a Mare! Touching that little guy would give you nightmares!

Gura: Oh... ewwwww *Gura brushes her hand to Ame*

Ame: Hey what the heck?!

Kiara: L-let's just go to Death-sensei.

*They proceed to go to the Grim Reaper*

Ame: Uhh hey. We're going to meet with Death itself? What if he takes our soul?

Gura: Now I feel kinda scared.

Kiara: No worries! Despite his looks, Death-sensei is actually a pretty good guy.

*Ame, Gura, Kiara meets Grim Reaper*

Kiara: Hello Death-sensei!

Death: Kiara. What brings you here? Did you bring two living souls into the underworld for sacrifice?

Ame: What do you mean sacrifice? No!

Gura: *chuckles* I'm in danger.

Kiara: No no Death-sensei. These are my friends. And we're looking for Calli. Is she here?

Death: Ahh Morii. She's not here. She's out there somewhere, reaping souls, as usual. She is also looking for the cause of decline in reaping business.

Kiara: Cause of declining reaping business?

Death: At least that's her excuse... Mori, has a lot to learn in the Overworld. I suggest you three should accompany and guide her in the overworld. Especially you Kiara, you two have been friends for a long time.

Death: Right now, she only cares about her job and can't seem to understand why people cherish their life so much that they would do anything to avoid death.

Death: Because Mori is too fixated in her job as a reaper, she fails to see any value in life. If this keeps on, it will blind her. Once that happens, she will never be satisfied until she reaps every last soul on the overworld.

Kiara: U-understood... Death-sensei. But, where can we find her?

Death: I have a special key that can locate any of my reapers in the overworld. Give me a sec, I will get it.

*Cuts to Fauna angry face while standing at the forest Kiara burned*

Fauna: Who. Did. This.

*Fauna saw Risu dying*

*Fauna heals Risu*

Fauna: What happened here?

Risu: A.. A phoenix was running wild and burned the whole forest.

Fauna: A phoenix...

Risu: Thank you... For healing me.

Fauna: No worries. You can go now.

*Risu Left, Calli then shows up*

Calli: That girl lost her home and has nowhere to go, why heal her? To prolong her suffering in this world?

*Fauna turns around and looks at Calli.*


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