Vol. 1 - Chapter 4: Nanashi Village

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Chapter cover page will be Mumei, Aiko, and Suzaku entering the village greeted by the villagers.

Mumei is now at Aiko's house, getting her wounds treated by her mother.

Mumei: Ouch!

Keiko: Oh sorry!

Mumei: N-no, it's fine it didn't actually hurt. I'm just compelled to say "ouch" for no reason.

Aiko: Hey onee-san, I have some more berries! Would you like some?

Mumei: Ooooh more berries! Thank you!

Aiko: You're just like me onee-san, we both like berries!

Aiko: uhh it feels weird to just call you a onee-san. Can I give you a name?

Suzaku: Oi Aiko it might be rude for our guest to just give her a new name.

Aiko: Shut up I'm not talking to you.

Suzaku: What'dya say you annoying brat! Imma smack you with this!

*Aiko runs to her mom*

Aiko: Mama! Suzaku is scaring me again!

Keiko: *laughs* You two are always so noisy when together. *laughs*

Aiko: So... is it okay to give you a name?

Mumei: Ah sure. I don't mind at all (I guess I'll have another name then)

Keiko: Are you sure?

Mumei: Yeah, I think I hit my head so hard I won't be able to remember my previous names anyway

(Keiko & Suzaku: previous names?)

Aiko: So umm.... Since you're unknown stranger to me, I'm gonna call you Mumei. And uhh...

Aiko's mind overheating: uhmmm..!! Ah! You're nameless like our village too, Nanashi! So it would be Nanashi Mumei!

Keiko: pfft!

Yuna: hey mom, why are you laughing?

Keiko: me? No I didn't.

Aiko: I heard you you know.

Keiko: Nothing. I just remembered your father when he named our village.


Aren: Hmm... I can't think of a decent name yet. Since the village is still nameless, I guess we'll call it "Nanashi village" temporarily.

Keiko: Liar. I bet you haven't thou

*end of flashback*

Keiko: You two are very much alike!

Keiko: It's done now, be careful next time okay?

Mumei: Uh sure! Thank you!

Aiko: *sobbing* papa...

Mumei: Hmm?

Aiko: Mamaaaa! I miss papa! *sobs*

Aiko hugs Keiko, Keiko looks at her daughter with melancholic eyes, before finally tearing up too.

*cut to Aiko finally asleep on bed*

Keiko: I'm sorry about that...

Mumei: No, it's okay. I'm sorry.

Keiko: Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I am Aiko's mom, Keiko. And he...

Suzaku: I'm Yakushiji Suzaku.

Keiko: He's been in charge with the village after my husband, Aren passed away.

Suzaku: Yeah, Her wound is pretty fresh, you can't blame her.

Mumei: Would you mind telling me how...

Suzaku looks at Mumei, then to Keiko. Keiko nods.

Mumei: I mean if you don't want to its fine.

Suzaku: I... was the first one to saw his body, by the village's bridge. He's wounded, but one wound looks odd. A huge stab wound by his chest, and I can tell you that wound is not inflicted by a normal katana. He could've survived, but someone finished him off.

Suzaku: I followed the trail of blood he left by the forest. By the end of the trail, I saw six corpses of samurais. Enough men to burn our village down. Aren was a samurai but he grew tired of war that he left his lord and built Nanashi village here. They probably want Aren back and threatened to burn this village if he refuses.

Suzaku: The fact that he's gone now, means he decided to never come back to war and protect the village.

Keiko: It's only a matter of time before they return to this village. If Aren survived, he would probably warn the village and ask us to evacuate. But to honor his name, we would protect this village that he built.

Suzaku: I swear if I ever see the person who finished him off, I will behead them to avenge his death.

Mumei: ...

Suzaku: Aiko named you Nanashi Mumei just now right? Would you mind if I call you Mumei from now on?

Mumei: Uhh no, not at all!

Suzaku: Okay. Mumei feel free to take a rest here until your wounds heal and tell us anything you need okay?

Mumei: uhh sure.

Suzaku: After all, this is the reason why Aren built the village after all. To help a lot of people, especially the ones that are wandering aimlessly in this unforgiving world. We want to keep them safe from the war. That's all.

Suzaku: rest well tonight and we'll check on you tomorrow.

Mum: Oh okay!

*Suzaku notices her bag glowing*

Suzaku: H-hey, your bag is glowing.

Mumei: Huh? Oh..


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