Prologue - How it all began

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I sat in the bathroom in disbelief as I looked down at the small white stick in my hand, two clear pink lines. I was eighteen and pregnant, if the dates added up I'd be giving birth not too long after my nineteenth birthday. A sudden wave of nausea filled my senses and I picked myself up from the bathroom floor and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I began to cry hysterically, how could this happen? We were careful, this shouldn't be happening. My nausea turned to fear as the thought of telling Jackson crossed my mind. He had his whole life mapped out, he was moving to America and signing a record deal. He didn't have time for a baby, this was all such a mess. How was I going to tell him, how was I going to tell my mother, how would we tell his dad. My life as I knew it was about to change. Everything was about to change.

Then and Now: Always yours Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz