Chapter Twenty Six

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Alice - Then

I sat outside enjoying the warmth of the summer sun on my skin as I waited for Jackson, I'd been battling a sickness bug the past couple of days and this was the first day I'd felt like myself all week. Jackson was meeting with Sasha's dad today to give him some new demos. A smile covered my lips as I replayed the songs over in my head. I knew he was destined for greatness.
"Hey, what're you smiling about, you finally feeling better?" His smooth voice drew my attention away from my daydream and I shot up from the grass and walked over to greet him. He wrapped his arms around me and I snaked mine around his neck pulling his lips down to mine.
"Wouldn't you like to know why I'm smiling, but yes I am feeling better today" I smirked back and deepened our kiss. He pulled me in tighter against his chest and I let his warmth radiate through me. I'd never get bored of this, our heat, our passion.
"So you ready to head out to meet the others, you sure you're up for it?" He asked as we finally managed to pull away.
I pouted at him "I'd rather have you all to myself but Penny will kill us if we don't show, so I guess I'm ready to go" I whined playfully as he took my hand and we headed off towards the park. It was kind of a tradition around here. Before kids went off to colleges and stuff we'd have one last day of just being kids. There was always a big barbecue and usually water fights before the bonfire in the evening. Me and Jackson were both headed to college together in a few months time, but who knows. If he got this record deal maybe he would have to go part time at college or take night classes. I didn't care, as long as we were together. A sudden wave of nausea hit me but I did my best to push it to the back of my mind. I wasn't going to ruin this day for us by feeling sick.

We arrived at the park and soon spotted Penny and Sasha stood waiting for us. I called over to them and watched as Sasha beamed back at us. Not too sure her smile was aimed at me but I chose to ignore those feelings. Jackson was mine and I was his.

"Hey guys, you finally decided to show up!" Penny pulled me into a hug making my stomach gurgle.
"Yeah sorry we're a bit late, I've had a pretty busy day" Jackson smiled down at me as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I watched as Sasha's gaze followed his arm.
"Oh that's right, you were meeting with my dad today. How did that go?" Her sole focus was on Jackson, I watched as Penny rolled her eyes and I silently glared at her to stop. Penny had never really trusted Sasha's feelings for Jackson. She was convinced she was in love with him or something.
"Yeah it went great I think. Just need to wait and see if he calls"
I squeezed his hand and he brought his gaze back to mine.
"He'll call" we stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I heard the sound of a phone ringing. "Oh my god! Jackson is that your phone" I squealed excitedly.
He scrambled his hand into his pocket and looked at the screen.
"Holy shit it's him" he looked nervously at the phone in his hand.
"Answer it!" Sasha spoke before I could and we watched on as he took a few steps away and answered the phone. He was out of earshot and he'd turned away from us so I couldn't see his face. It had to be good news, he was so talented. Please let this be his big break, I felt so sick with nerves I couldn't tell if I was still feeling unwell or if it was just the stress of the nerves I felt for Jackson. A few minutes past and when he finally turned around he looked at me and then his face broke out into a huge smile.
"I got it" he spoke in disbelief. Before he could say anything else I ran to him and threw myself into his arms. We hugged each other so hard. "I am so proud of you" I whispered into his ear as I buried my head in his neck.

"This is amazing news Jackson, you must be thrilled!" Sasha beamed as her and Penny walked over to us,

"Yeah I am. Uh I wasn't expecting to hear so soon. I mean it's crazy isn't it"

"Not crazy when you're as talented as you are" I chirped as I gave him a peck on the cheek. "So tell us the details? What did he say exactly"

"He wants to meet for dinner to go over everything, he's getting a contract drafted for me to look er it looks like I'll have to duck out early" he gestured to the crowds of our peers that filled the local park. His expression turned to one of guilt as he looked at me.

"Hey don't worry about your girl, me and Sash will keep her company at the bonfire, and maybe if there's time you can head back after dinner" Penny chipped in as she rested her arm on my shoulder in a friendly gesture. She was such a great friend.

"Actually I'll be ducking out early too, I've got to finish packing. I leave in two days to spend the summer with my dad in the states and my mum will kill me if I don't get my shit together and packed on time"

Penny smirked at me as Sasha explained she'd also have to leave. Funny that, Jackson had to go so she was all of a sudden busy as well.

"It's just you and me then bestie" Penny nudged me. I knew she'd secretly be over the moon about that.

"Okay, I'll call you as soon as I'm finished with dinner. I'll either come back here or head to yours if you've already left"

"Do you have to leave right now?" I asked, not meaning to sound as whiny as I did. We had only just arrived after all.

"Uh I should probably head home and speak to my dad about it all before dinner. I don't want him to feel blindsided by it all" he admitted and I suddenly felt guilty for making him feel bad. Of course he needed to go tell his dad.

"Of course, say hi to him from me" I hid my disappointment with a smile as he pulled me in for a kiss goodbye.

"Sure thing baby girl. I'll call you as soon as I'm done with dinner. I love you Alice"

I watched as he turned and left. The nerves began bubbling away in my stomach again. Maybe I was still sick.

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