Chapter Thirteen

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Jackson - Now

I watched as Alice made her way over to Sasha like a women possessed.
"Alice!!!!" Sasha stuttered in shock as she glanced over to me, confusion and what looked like fear etched on her face.
"Did you tell him that I wanted him to leave?" Anger filled her voice as she wagged a finger towards Sasha. Claire stood in shock looking between the two women in utter confusion.
" You've got this wrong...I" Sasha's usual calm and collected demeanour faltered as she looked over at me.
"You told me that he didn't want me or the baby, isn't that true!?" Alice's face was red with fury as I watched the colour drain from Sasha's face.
"Please I can explain" Sasha sobbed. Alice started pacing the room again.
"Sash, you told me she didn't want me or the baby, she couldn't bear to tell me herself so she asked you to do it. That's what you told me" I looked at the women I loved begging her to confirm my words. Instead she just shook her head and cried. "I'm so sorry Jack" she broke down. Claire and liv stood awkwardly watching the drama unfold.
"You're a liar, you lied to us both" Alice sobbed as she broke down and slumped onto the sofa. Liv ran over to comfort her. "My son grew up without a father because of the lies you've told" she wailed and I felt my own anger build up inside.
"How could you do this to me. You knew all this time I had a son and you didn't say anything!" I stared at her needing answers.
"You would never have gone to America if I hadn't lied to you both. I just wanted what was best for you and your career" she sobbed as if that was a good enough excuse.
"You're damn right I wouldn't have left! Alice was the love of my life. Thinking she didn't want me or our baby almost killed me! You knew how I was back then" I fumed
"Yes but look at you now, how far you've come. Jack I did this for you, for us" she pleaded
"For us!? There was no us, your dad was my agent back then, you were just a friend. I would never have dreamed of starting anything with you if I knew about Alice and my son!"
She gasped in shock at my hurtful words "you don't mean that Jackson, you love me!"
I looked at her and all I felt was disgust "I forced myself to love you, if you thought that what we have would ever compare to what I feel for Alice then you're delusional" I snapped, not caring if I hurt her feelings.
"You mean felt not feel right?" She hit back with venom in her voice.
"It's over Sasha. What you've done is unforgivable"
Tears filled her eyes once again "you don't mean that" she gasped.
"I do, now I'd like you to leave. You are no longer my manager" I watched as she turned on her heel and left the studio, slamming the door behind her. I couldn't believe what had just happened, I had a son. My girlfriend knew about it and had lied to me all these years. I looked over at Alice who was sat on the sofa being comforted by Liv.
"Alice..." I started but she raised her hand to stop me
"Please Jackson don't. I just can't do this right now" she sobbed and I felt all her pain. She looked utterly broken.
"If I had known..." I pleaded but this time it was Claire who cut me off.
"Jackson I think maybe it's best if you leave" I looked at her in confusion and so did Alice and Liv.
"This has been very upsetting for both of you and right now Alice needs some time to process it. As my employee it is my responsibility to ensure her welfare at work is taken care of and right now that means you leaving" she finished and walked over to the door holding it open for me. I gave one final glance to Alice who had her head in her hands before I did as she wished and left.

Walking down the street I played it over in my head again. I had a son. I had a son. Alice had raised him all alone, all this time she thought I didn't want to be in their lives. She must hate me. I walked down the street a bit more until I come across a pizzeria and i suddenly stopped and glanced through the window. There he was, my son sat at a table with the women eating pizza. He had a huge smile on his face and they were both laughing. I smiled at their simple interaction when he suddenly looked my way and held my gaze. I froze not knowing what to do but before I knew it he was out of his seat and heading my way.
"Um hi" I awkwardly greeted him as I glanced back inside to see the women watching us.
"It's okay you know, you don't have to be all awkward around me" he shrugged
"Sorry I didn't mean to be, I'm a bit of a goofball sometimes" I chuckled
"Mum said you were funny" he smiled and it caught me off guard
"Your mum talks about me?" I questioned
"Sometimes, only when I ask. I know it upsets her so I try not to ask her too much" was it me or did this kid know exactly who I was, and I didn't mean Jackson O'Donnell the pop star.
"You know who I am?" I asked
"Jackson O'Donnell" he shrugged. Maybe he didn't know after all.
"My dad" with that he looked at me before heading back inside. Suddenly my world came crashing down around me but the only thing that mattered was that my son knew about me. But that meant he knew I'd left him.

Then and Now: Always yours Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora