Chapter Twenty Four

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Jackson - Then

"Sasha I can't be late, I'm meant to be meeting Alice in an hour. She's got some big surprise planned for my birthday" I called as I rushed towards the entrance to the restaurant behind her. She turned and looked at me with that signature smile on her face. Sasha was definitely pretty, but she wasn't exactly my type. Her big bouncy blonde curls framed her face as she flashed me that smile again.
"We won't be long I promise; I played my dad your demo and he really really wants to meet you. We'll just stay for a quick drink" she beamed as she held the door open for me. I stepped inside and took in my surroundings; this place was fancy. I felt really out of place.
"Come on, don't be nervous" she smiled as she grabbed hold of my hand and led me through another door. She had clearly been here before. We whizzed past various tables before we reached the far side of the room, a tall blonde haired man who looked to be mid to late forties stood from his chair as we approached.
"Daddy!" Sasha squealed as he engulfed her in a warm embrace.
"Pumpkin, so nice of you to join us, and I see you brought your friend?" He gestured towards me and Sasha reached out and linked her arm through mine "yes daddy, this is Jackson, the one I was telling you about" she beamed as she looked between the two of us. I smiled awkwardly , feeling slightly uncomfortable at the level of familiarity Sasha was using.
"Take a seat, please" her dad gestured towards two empty places at the table. "I'm Eli, Sasha's father as you've probably guessed and this is my business associate Crystal" I hadn't even noticed the women sat at the table. She looked to be late twenties with poker straight black hair cut into a blunt bob. She looked intimidating.
"Let's get you two a couple of menus shall we" Mr Nichol raised his hand to the attention of the waiter. I glanced over at Sasha who was still beaming from ear to ear.
"I can't stay long Sasha I told you" I leaned in and whispered in her ear.
"Relax, this won't take long" she whispered back.
"So Jackson, Sasha played me your demo" he sure didn't mess around, maybe this would be quick.
"Oh yeah, well...Mr Nichol it was a bit rushed you know. Not my best work if I'm being honest" he raised his hand to interject
"Nonsense boy, you've got something, and now that I see you in person I think we might be onto something here! And call me Eli, please"
I was stunned. He really thought I had something? I glanced over at Sasha who's smile had somehow got even bigger.
"Thank you sir, that really means a lot" I couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Now, I'm only in England for a flying visit but I'm back in July on business. That gives you around five or six months to get working on some new music. If I like what I hear when I'm back then let's just say I might not be the only one heading for America when I leave" he winked at me as he picked up his wine and took a large gulp. Did he mean what I thought he meant.
"Now let's get ordering some dinner and celebrate shall we?"

Three courses later and I was about ready to burst. We'd said our goodbyes to Sasha's dad and Crystal, who I'm not too sure was his business associate and we headed outside into the cool night air.
"I'm so happy for you Jackson, I knew he'd love you" Sasha was overjoyed and I couldn't help but feel a huge amount of gratitude toward her.
"Thanks Sash, I honestly don't even know what to say" I ran my hand through my hair as I thought of my possible future in America.
"What do you say, shall we celebrate with a drink at mine to toast your success? My mums away this weekend so we can raid her champagne stash" she looked at me hopefully.
"Shit! Alice's surprise! Fuck she's going to be so pissed at me for not calling" I quickly scrambled through my pockets for my phone which was stupidly on silent. I glanced at the screen, two missed calls, and five texts. I clicked on the messages, two were from Alice asking how long I'd be and then again to ask where I was. The other three were from Penny telling me in no uncertain terms what an idiot I was.
"I'm sure it will be fine" Sasha offered a weak smile.
"I'm sorry Sasha but I've got to go" I apologised to my friend before turning around and dialling Alice's number. No answer. Fuck.
"Let me give you a lift to her house. I'm sure you guys will work things out. She'll be excited for you" she chirped. It would be faster to get a lift, although I'm not sure what Alice would think about me showing up with another girl after I ditched our plans.
"Okay but you're just dropping me off" she nodded at me and we headed over to her car.

The drive to Alice's seemed to take forever, as we pulled up I could see lights were still on. I thanked Sasha for the lift and hastily made my way to the front door. I glanced at my watch, it was just after eleven thirty. I'd been at the restaurant for hours. I grasped the handle and let myself in, something I'd become accustomed to over the years. The hallway was empty and I made my way into the living room where I could see a dim light. I glanced around at the banners and streamers that decorated the room. Shit she'd thrown me a surprise party and I hadn't shown up. I turned and made my way over to the kitchen to find various drinks and snacks littered over the kitchen counter and a very large chocolate cake. I'd never felt so awful. I heard a rustling noise and then she appeared in the kitchen clutching onto a black bin bag. Our eyes met and I could tell she'd been crying.
"Alice baby I'm so sorry" I breathed as I rushed over to her. She pushed me away and continued to clear plastic cups and bottles from the side.
"Alice please. Let me explain" I pleaded as she carried on cleaning.
"I have to tidy up, my mum will be back in the morning and I promised I'd have any alcohol out of the house by then" she answered flatly as she picked up some beers and emptied their contents down the sink before placing the bottles in the bin bag. She looked crestfallen, I'd really messed up. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin against her shoulder "I'm really sorry Alice, I lost track of time. I had a meeting with Sasha's dad and it took longer than I expected" I hugged her tighter as I spoke.
"You were with Sasha?" She questioned as she turned to face me. "Yeah, well not just with her but she was there. Her dad asked to meet me after hearing my demo. It was his last night in town I think" i brushed my palm up against her cheek and her sad brown eyes mer my gaze.
"Sasha knew about the party, she didn't mention it to you?" She asked with a look of confusion.
"No I swear babe, she didn't say anything. If I had known I would have been here. She probably lost track of time as well. Her dad kept us for quite a while, he's really excited about my music. He wants to meet with me when he's back in the summer and listen to some new tracks" her expression softened as she listened to my news.
"That's great Jackson, I'm happy for you. I just wish you could have made it to your party" she still sounded deflated and I couldn't blame her.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I'll make this up to you I promise" I pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of nose "I love you Alice" I smiled down at her.
"Will you still love me when you're some hot shot music star" she smirked
"I'll always be yours Alice"

Then and Now: Always yours Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant