Chapter Six

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Alice - Then

I had just had another fight with my mum and was currently hiding out at the local park sobbing to myself whilst I sat on a bench. Not exactly how I'd expected to spend my twelfth birthday.
"Alice is that you?" A friendly voice called from beside me and I turned to see Mr O'Donnell walking towards me with a shopping bag in tow. I frantically wiped at my tears.
"I thought it was you, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" He smiled over at me as I forced a smile in return.
"Oh I'm just getting some fresh air" I hiccuped slightly as I stood from the bench.
"Come on, why don't you come home with me. Jackson will want to see you on your birthday" his kind smile made me feel slightly better and the fact that he knew it was my birthday was more than my mother acknowledged.
"Thanks Mr O'Donnell" I mumbled as I walked with him towards his car parked across the street.
"Alice, Alice, how many times do I have to tell you, call me Samson"


We arrived at Jackson's house and I followed his dad inside.
"Dad did you get the decorations I asked for, for Alice's cake?" I heard Jackson call from the kitchen and a smile immediately covered my face.
"I got more than the sprinkles son" his dad chuckled back as Jackson appeared in the hallway. A surprised expression on his face.
"Alice!" He called in surprise as he rushed over to give me a hug "happy birthday, last one until you're a teenager" he smirked down at me and a giggled. We always talked about our impatience to become teenagers. Both of us felt like the kids in our school were well kids, maybe it was that we felt older than we actually were. Mature beyond our years was the expression Jackson had used to explain us.
"Hey, sorry to crash the cake decorating" I shot him a grin as headed into his bedroom.
"Don't worry about it, we can decorate it together in a bit if you like. First of all I want to know what the matter is" he eyed me suspiciously as we sat on his bed. I should have known that I couldn't hide anything from him. We'd been practically inseparable for almost two years and he was the best friend I'd ever had.
"Just the usual" I explained
"You'd think your mum would lay off on your birthday" he huffed as he led back on the bed whilst I sat and chuckled at him.
"I don't think laying off is in her nature" we both laughed together when his dad appeared in the doorway.
"Hey kids, I'm cooking spaghetti for dinner, Alice are you staying for dinner?" He questioned.
"Umm I should probably check with my mum first and see if it's okay" the last thing I wanted was another fight when I got home about a ruined dinner.
"Sure thing kiddo, you know where the phone is"
I waited for him to leave before turning to Jackson with a frown
"You're sure your dad hasn't cottoned on to anything? He came over to me in the park, said he saw me from across the street" I asked with concern. I didn't want Jackson's dad to get suspicious of my home life.
"Relax Ally, he's got no clue. Just go and pretend to call your mum so you can stay for dinner and then we'll decorate your cake after"
He was always so confident, sometimes I wished I could be like that. I smiled back at him and went into the hall to pick up the phone and pretend to dial our home number.
"Hey mum it's me, I'm at Jackson's house and his dad has invited me to stay for dinner. Was that okay?" I left a pause to make it seem like I was actually on the phone talking to someone.
"I will mum, love you" I hung up the phone hastily and wandered into the kitchen.
"Just spoke to my mum, she said it's fine" I smiled over at Mr O'Donnell and couldn't help but feel guilty for lying to him. He smiled at me kindly and I couldn't help but feel like he somehow had a slight look of pity in his eyes.
"Sure think kiddo, dinner will be ready in twenty"
I nodded and returned back to Jackson's room to find him now sat at his computer desk.
"Hey are you sure your dad doesn't know something? He just gave me a really weird look?"
He shook his head at me and turned back to his screen
"Ally you need to relax, my dad doesn't know anything. Stop stressing will you"
I knew he was probably right. His dad and my mum hadn't actually ever met aside from a quick wave to one another on the odd occasion when we'd get picked up or dropped off at each others houses. We'd stopped hanging out at mine a while ago, things got too much with mum and her drinking and I didn't want Jackson to see her in one of her moods. He was the only one I'd confided in about things at home, not even Penny knew. Jackson truly was my best friend; I hoped he'd always be there for me.

Then and Now: Always yours Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum