Chapter Ten

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Alice - Then

I couldn't believe it, today was the day. I wiped my freshly fallen tears from my face and stared back at my best friend as we sat in my room saying our goodbyes.
"I'm so sorry Alice" Jackson sobbed as his tear stricken face studied my own.
"It's not your fault. I know your dad is only trying to do what's best" I sighed as I sat and nervously played with the bracelet on my wrist. "And it's only for the summer, mum said she'd be back home by the start of next term and that I can come back here" I forced a smile to try and lighten the mood.
Jackson's dad had found out about my mums drinking and reached out to her to get help. I was grateful for that at least. It's just that it meant me moving to my Aunts house in Scotland for the foreseeable whilst my mum went into rehab.
"It's just so unfair. I don't see why you can't just stay with us for the summer. I don't want you to go" he huffed and I couldn't help but feel the same defeat. We had both hoped that I could just stay with him for the summer but my mum had said it wouldn't be appropriate and his dad didn't seem too keen on the idea either. Instead I had to spend at least the next six weeks away from all my friends and be stuck in a place where I didn't know anyone. I barely knew my aunt, I think I'd last seen her when I was seven. But mum had no other family and with my dad nowhere to be seen this was apparently my only option.
I fiddled with my bracelet again following the colours of the thread with my finger. I'd made this a few years ago and I'd never taken it off but I suddenly had an idea. I quickly unfastened the bracelet before handing it over to Jackson.
"Here take this, then at least a little piece of me can be with you this summer" I smiled as I watched him fasten the bracelet onto his wrist. It wasn't particularly girly, I'd been going through a tomboy phase at the time and insisted on everything being green, blue and a little bit of red. He beamed up at me.
"Thanks Ally, I'll never take it off"
"You better not, I'm gonna want it back when I'm home" I chuckled and we both laughed.
"I'm sorry I don't have one to give you" he frowned as he ran his fingers along the material.
"It's okay" I didn't mind, I actually felt slightly better knowing that he had it. He was my best friend and I hated the thought of leaving him behind.
"I'll make you one over the summer. Then I can give it to you when you get back" he flashed me another grin before pulling me into a bear hug
"You're my best friend Ally"

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