Chapter Twenty Nine

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Jackson - Now

I stood and waited for her answer. Could she do this, could she forgive me and give us another chance. I searched her face for any sign of resolve. I couldn't take it any longer, I reached my hand out and traced the side of her cheek, enjoying the small sigh of satisfaction that came from her. I pulled her back into me, needing to close the distance between us.
"Let me love you baby" I breathed as I edged down and covered her lips with my own. She kissed me back tentatively at first, as if she was unsure if we should be doing this. How could we not when it felt so good?
Soon the kiss intensified and I enjoyed the feel of her tongue brushing against my own, her hands were in my hair, just where I liked them.

I edged us back so we could lean on her desk, our lips never leaving each others. I moved a hand down to the hem of her skirt, hiking it up her leg so I could stroke her soft skin.

"Alice, Sa- oh god, I'm so sorry" Liv apologised as she entered the office unannounced.

We quickly jumped apart, Alice pulling down her skirt as her beetroot red face looked over at her assistant.

"I'll come back..I can" Liv stuttered as she began to leave.

"It's fine Liv, I should be the one apologising. That was completely inappropriate. We didn't mean for you to see us like that. What was it you needed me for?" Alice asked smoothly as she turned to straighten a few items on her desk.

"Umm you have a visitor, well actually Jackson has a visitor" Liv looked between us.

"A visitor for me?" I questioned with a frown. Who would be looking for me here? I turned my gaze to Alice.

"Sasha. It's Sasha isn't it?" She asked Liv who just nodded in response.

God did that women never give up. Wasn't it enough that she'd already robbed me of my relationship with Alice and my son. Couldn't she just let me be happy.

"I have nothing to say to her" I told Liv flatly as I took Alice's hand and gave it a light squeeze of support.

"She said you'd say that and to tell you it's a matter of emergency"

"Oh for gods sake just send her in. The quicker we deal with her the quicker we can all get on with our lives" Alice erupted next to me. Liv silently left the office and I turned to Alice

"Are you sure? You don't have to see her, I can talk to her somewhere else?" I knew this would be hard on her. To see the women that tore our lives apart again.

"I want to face her. I need this to be over"

I nodded, keeping hold of her hand as we waited for Sasha.

The door opened and in she swanned, her eyes immediately darting to mine holding Alice's.

"Well isn't this cozy" she smirked "I see you didn't wasn't any time"

"How dare you, thanks to you were had nothing but wasted time. What are you even doing here Sasha? I've said everything I wanted to say. We're over" I glared at her. How could I ever think I loved this women. She was nothing like Alice, she didn't even compare.

"We need to talk Jackson, preferably alone"

"Anything you've got to say to me, you can say in front of Alice" I hit back.

"Are you sure?" She raised a brow as if taunting me.

"Just get it over with Sasha" Alice found her voice. Sasha looked smugly at her as if she was the cat that got the cream.

"I'm not sure you want to be here to hear this" she chirped, the smile never leaving her face.

"Just spit it out Sasha" I shouted, frustrated with her games"

"I'm going back home, to America and I think you ought to come with me"

"And why would I do that?" This woman must be insane.

"Because I'm pregnant Jackson. Thats right you're going to be a daddy"

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