Chapter Twenty Two

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Alice - Then

"So you really don't mind him being off with another girl right now?" Penny asked me with wide eyes. Penny had become a pretty close friend over the years, not on the level of me and Jackson but we were close enough that I could confide in her.
"No Pen, I trust him. Besides she's taking him to meet her dad, he's some big agent over in America. This could be really good for his career" I smiled at the thought of Jackson making it big time. He was so talented and I loved his music, he'd started dabbling with a guitar back when I was living with my aunt and over the years he'd gotten really good. When Sasha heard him play at school she immediately introduced herself and asked if Jackson had a demo she could share with her dad. Apparently he was some hot shot talent agent in America. She hadn't long transferred to our school, her parents were going through a divorce and her mum had decided to move back to England to be closer to family. Sasha always seemed a bit bitter about that. I'd say she was probably more Jackson's friend than mine but I trusted him. Apparently her dad was going to be in town in a couple of weeks and she really wanted Jackson to meet him so she was helping him work on recording a demo for him. I pushed any feelings of jealousy aside, this was his future and I trusted him.
"You're a more understanding girlfriend than I would be" Penny smirked as she took a handful of the peanut m&m's we were sharing. "It's his birthday coming up soon isn't it?" She asked as she popped an m&m in her mouth.
"Yeah, in ten days" I smiled as I grabbed my own handful of sweets.
"Can you believe we are all turning eighteen this year, it's crazy! Feels like only yesterday that I was showing you around the school" I smiled as I recalled the memory, I'd just met Jackson when Penny greeted me at reception, I knew straight away we'd be friends. She was so fun and easygoing .
"My mums away the weekend of his birthday so we've got this whole big thing planned, his dad is letting him stay over" I couldn't hide the excitement from my face.
"You two are always at it like rabbits anyway" Penny stated with a raised brow.
"Penny!!!!" I snorted in embarrassment as we collapsed into a fit of giggles on the grass.
"Hey what did we miss?" Jackson's smooth voice jolted me from my laughter as I sat up to see his smiling face looking back at me. He leaned down to give me a peck on the lips.
"Erg get a room guys, some of us single Pringles don't need the constant reminder of the love and affection we're missing out on" Penny joked as Jackson took a seat next to me on the grass and pulled me close. He'd always been very tactile with me since we'd become boyfriend and girlfriend and I loved it. Simple touches here and there and obviously we had a pretty active sex life. I'd gone on the pill shortly after my sixteenth birthday, my mum had her suspicions that we had taken the next step in our relationship and sat me down for the safe sex talk. It didn't seem as bad as how Jackson described his talk with his dad. I chuckled as I replayed the memory.
"What's so funny" he whispered into my ear, the warm air from his breath making my insides melt.
"Nothing, just thinking about old times that's all" I blushed as I looked away. Sasha had sat opposite Penny and the two of them were deep in conversation about something or other but my attention was solely on Jackson and the way his hand had moved to the small of my back.
"You seem embarrassed Miss Walker" he purred in my ear quietly "must have been some interesting memory" he gave my leg a gently squeeze with his free hand as I glanced at our two friends who were still chatting away completely oblivious to how hot and bothered Jackson was making me.
"I was thinking about my sixteenth birthday" I whispered and watched as his eyes instantly grew wide, a lustful expression on his face.
"Come over to mine, dads not back from work for another couple of hours" he raised his brow and I knew exactly what that meant. I gave him a small nod and we both stood up from the grass, finally drawing Penny and Sasha's attention.
"We're going to head off, we'll catch up with you ladies tomorrow" Jackson announced. Penny shook her head and gave me an 'I know what you're going to do' expression. Sasha nodded towards us but something about her expression looked a little sad. Disappointment maybe? I pushed the thought out of my mind and took Jackson's waiting hand.
"See you tomorrow" I waved back at them before we headed off towards Jackson's house.

It felt like we'd practically speed walked back to Jackson's house and the moment we were inside he had me pressed up against the door as he kissed me. My hands went straight to his hair and his down to my ass. I could feel his hardness pressed into me and the feeling alone turned me on even more.
"Fuck you're so sexy Alice" he breathed into my ear as he kissed my neck. I ran my hand over the bulge in his jeans and heard him suck in a breath.
"Not yet baby" I felt his lips curve into a smile as he kissed down my chest before dropping to his knees and lifting my skirt. His hot breath was on the lace of my panties and I didn't even care how turned on I was right now. He knew exactly what his did to me. He pulled down the soft fabric and soon his mouth took it's place as I threw my head back against the door. "Jackson" my strangled cry of pleasure filled the hallway and his mouth continued its pursuit. He was drawing my orgasm out of me at a torturous pace and I loved every minute of it. I held his head in place with my hands as I rode out my high on his tongue. My body spasming from pleasure. When I finally stilled he moved away and smiled up at me, his face glistening with my arousal and the sight alone was enough to make me want him all over again. "Bedroom now" I instructed as I bent down to retrieve my panties holding them in my hand as he followed me down the hallway to his room. This was going to be a fun afternoon.

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