Chapter sixteen

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Jackson - Then

"What the fuck is your problem O'Donnell" Joe spat as he wiped his freshly cut lip. I'd never felt anger like this before. How could he do this to her, abandon her like this without even a explanation.
"You're an asshole you know that! How could you just stand her up like that" I'd asked one of joes friends where Alice was and he said that Alice wasn't with them. Apparently Joe had a change of heart and decided not to bring her after all, he hadn't even bothered to tell her. She was just sat at home waiting for him.
"Oh piss off! So what, I changed my mind. You really think I want to be seen at a dance with Alice? I'd only asked her as a joke; I didn't think she'd actually say yes! But then she must be so desperate for attention I guess she couldn't say no" he sniggered and I punched him again.
"Fuck you Joe! You don't fucking deserve her!"
I had never felt so angry and I knew I needed to get out of there before I got myself into some real trouble.

I stormed out of the dance and let the cool air wash over me, hoping it would lift the red mist that seemed to be consuming me. Ten minutes later and I'd managed to walk halfway to Alice's without even realising where I was going. I picked my phone out of my picked and dialled her number...straight to voicemail. I let out a sigh as I continued my walk to her house. I needed to see her. The house was in darkness but I rang the doorbell anyway. I knew she was home. I called through the letter box and finally a small light shone through the glass of the front door. The door slowly opened to reveal a very red and puffy faced Alice staring back at me. She was still on his dress, make up stained on her cheeks but she still looked beautiful. Without saying a word I pushed the door open further and engulfed her in my arms, hoping my warmth would bring her some sort of comfort.

"Oh Alice I'm so sorry" I soothed as I held her against my chest
"I guess I should have known better then to expect someone like Joe to be interested in me" she sobbed and I reached my hand out to wipe her tears.
"He's crazy. Alice you're beautiful, anyone can see that" I meant it, even with the tears she still looked beautiful.
She let out a small laugh "yeah yeah" she turned her attention to her dress as she smoothed her hands down it's silky material "I'm just upset that no one got to see me in this dress" she looked wistfully at it.
"That's not true" I smirked
"Oh come on, you don't count" she joked and I felt something inside me urging me to come clean. I had to tell her how I felt.
"I know how much you wanted this dress" I said as I lightly brushed my finger over the silk skirt "I saw you looking at in in the shop and I knew your mum would never let you spend that much money on it..." our eyes met and her gaze had turned serious.
"Jackson" she whispered as she realised what I was saying.
"I had my savings. I just wanted you to have something that made you feel special. It was worth it Alice. You really do look beautiful" I brushed a stray hair behind her ear and her eyes stayed fixed on mine.
"Jackson we can't. You're my best friend, I don't want to lose you" she breathed in hushed tones as we unconsciously moved closer.
"You could never lose me" I smiled back at her and that's when my life changed forever. Both of ours did. We shared our first kiss. Her lips were soft and I could taste her strawberry lip balm on them. Her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me deeper into her. Neither of us were experienced but this kiss felt like the most epic first kiss there had ever been. My hand cupped her cheek as my other held onto her waist. We were lost in each other. Like magnets, we were drawn together and neither of us could deny it any longer.

Then and Now: Always yours Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang