Chapter Eighteen

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Alice - Then

I followed Jackson down the grass bank path as he turned and offered me his hand to help me down the small slope. His bright smile beamed up at me and his blue eyes twinkled in the fading sun. "Come on, it's not far now" he smiled as I took his hand and let him lead me to our destination. Butterflies filled my stomach as the excitement of what lies ahead engulfed me. I had a feeling this was going to be the best birthday ever.

We walked for another few minutes before we approached a large cherry blossom tree, it's beautiful soft pink flowers were in full bloom and it's beauty brought a smile to my face. I hadn't realised I'd stopped walking. "Happy birthday Ally" Jackson whispered in my ear before planting a kiss on the side of my head. I then noticed the blanket and picnic basket that were set out under the tree. Small lanterns were dotted about to offer some light once the sun had fully set. This was by far the most romantic thing I could imagine, it was perfect. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as he took my hand and guided me to towards the blanket. "Jackson, this is just beautiful. Thank you" I gushed unable to remove the smile from my face. We sat down on the soft blanket and he began routing through the large cooler that sat next to the wicker basket before he turned back to reveal a small cake covered in rainbow sprinkles. "Wait, let me light the candles" he chuckled as he searched his pockets for some matches. I surveyed the cake once more. His attempt at icing brought a smile to my face as I made out the words, happy 16th birthday Alice. His birthday was a few months ago and I hadn't done to half as much effort and I suddenly felt very guilty about this. A frown wrinkled across my face and I felt his hand reach up to it "hey what's wrong?" He asked with a note of worry to his voice. I looked back down at the cake and then at the scene that surrounded us and let out a sigh. "I feel bad. I didn't make this much of a fuss for your birthday" I admitted through my embarrassment and his soft laughter filled the air. He moved closer and pulled me into him, his forehead resting on my own. "You being with me was the only thing I needed for my birthday, knowing you were finally mine was the best gift I could have ever asked for" he soothed as he placed a soft kiss upon my lips.
"I'll always be yours" I breathlessly replied as I deepened our kiss. We leaned back and I just knew I wanted this to happen now, we'd waited so long and in this moment with the most perfect surroundings and the sun setting in the distance I knew it was going to be a night we'd never forget. He broke our kiss and looked down at me with an intense gaze. "Are you sure?" He asked, not needing to say anymore. "I'm sure" I whispered in response and we both understood. We held each others gaze for a few seconds longer before he leaned down and took my lips in his once again. This was going to be a night I would never forget. The night I truly became his.

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