Chapter one

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Alice - Now

I rushed along the busy street with my coffee swerving in and out of the crowd as I headed to the studio. Monday morning had come around too soon and I had a full on day ahead of me. My phone began to ring from inside my bag and I scrambled to reach it whilst maintaining my grip on the coffee cup in my hand. I glanced at the screen before answering, I should have known it would be Liv calling to see where I was. It was hardly unusual for me to be running a little bit late, my life was pretty hectic to say the least.

"I know, I know, I'm late and we have clients coming in. I'm five minutes away I promise" I rambled as I darted across the road.

"Please, I'd be shocked if you were on time. I'm just calling to give you a heads up, Claire is in the office today, something bout a high profile client coming in and apparently he wants the that means you"

"High profile? Have they got the right place, it's not like we've ever produced for any big shot musicians" I chuckle as I dodge a run in with a dog walker and somehow manage to keep hold of my coffee.

"Apparently someone recommended you, must have been one of the smaller artists you've produced for. Maybe they have connections"

"Yeah maybe. Anyway I'm two minutes away, keep Claire busy for me"

I hung up the phone and turned the final corner, the studio was finally in sight. I picked up the pace and headed through the entrance hoping to arrive undetected. I worked as a music producer for a studio in London, my boss Claire was a bit of a hard ass but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I'd always been interested in music for as long as I can remember and even dabbled with a bit of songwriting over the years. I hadn't actually ever recorded any of my own music. I had far too much going on in my life to have time to try and forge a music career, not to mention the bittersweet memories I had about it. I rushed down the hallway hoping to avoid a run in with my boss when her stoney face appeared out from the office just before my studio.

"Claire hi, sorry I got caught up chatting to a client on the phone" I smiled through my white lie hoping she'd believe me, I was on the phone after all.

"Save it Alice, I've already heard the ramblings of your assistant and I really don't have time for it this morning" her green eyes narrowed at me, disapproval written all over her perfectly made up face. Her blonde hair was tied up in an impeccable chignon and she tapped her red manicured nails on the folder she held in her arms. "We have an important client coming in any minute and I need you to be on your A game, can you do that for me Alice?"
The way she said my name made me feel like a little girl being reprimanded.

"Yes of course Claire" I tried to sound as confident as possible. Claire was someone I respected but at the same time she could be a bit of a bitch.

"Well you better get to work, he'll be here any minute. I'll stop by shortly to see how things are going" her eyes travelled down my outfit which wasn't one of my best put together choices for work. My skirt had risen up slightly from my dashing across roads to get here on time and my blouse felt a little bit twisted, I'm pretty sure my hair was doing it's own thing. I'd have to sort that out before this client showed up.

"I'll see you later Claire" I smiled as I rushed past her towards the studio. I opened the door to my studio and was greeted by Liv's beaming smile. Liv really was a great assistant, and we'd become good friends over the past two years since I started working here.

"You look happy" I chirped as I placed my coffee down and slung my jacket over my chair and got to work on straightening out my skirt and blouse. Her positivity is what I loved most about her, no matter what happened she was always a glass half full kind of person.

"You will never guess who the hot shot client is" she announced excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement as I turned and booted up my computer before rushing over to the mirror that hung on the wall. I frantically ran my fingers through my long brown hair, I really ought to get it cut but I just hadn't found the time.

"Honestly Al this is going to put us on the map, well put you on the map. It's big" she squealed

"well come on then, tell me"

I turned my attention back to the mirror and continued the battle with my unruly locks. Before she could answer the studio door opened and I stood frozen looking in the mirror at the face from my past as his icy blue eyes stared back at me in equal shock.

"Jackson" I all but whispered as I struggled to find my voice. I turned slowly to meet his gaze.

" it really you?"

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