Chapter Seven

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Alice - Now

I sat down at my desk feeling slightly confused by what had just happened. Against my better judgement I'd actually opened up a bit to Jackson and admitted I went to his dads funeral. Then he seemed to almost shut down all of a sudden and made up an excuse about needing to make some phone calls. It was as if he suddenly didn't want to be near me. Guess I shouldn't of expected any less from him.
"Hey, you're early today" Liv's cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts as she took her seat at the desk next to mine.
"Yeah, I er for a lift in with Jackson" I replied knowing it was just going to open a load more questions.
"Don't think you are getting away with spilling the details on that little secret friendship either" she smirked at me as she took a sip of her coffee.
"It's hardly a friendship. It was a lifetime ago, we don't even know each other anymore" I brushed off her accusation.
"Hmmm...yet here he is giving you a lift to work" she smirked again and I gave her a friendly shove as I moved past her to make myself a coffee.
"You know as my assistant you should really be doing this for me" I joked as I poured the freshly made coffee into my mug.
"Brewing the coffee in the pot isn't enough for you huh?" She laughed.
Our attention went to the door as it opened and in walked Jackson. He shot me an awkward smile.
"Morning, would you like a coffee? Alice was just making some?" I shot Liv a death glare as she bit back a chuckle.
"Er sure, if you're offering" he answered hesitantly whilst rubbing his head. I turned a grabbed another mug and on instinct placed two sugars in it before stopping. It had been over six years and yet I still remembered how he took his coffee.
"You remembered?" He spoke in a low tone as he walked up behind me, I quickly poured the coffee in his mug and gave it a stir before handing it over.
"I guess some things never change" I deadpanned as I walked back to my desk and booted up my computer.

We worked for a several hours in a relatively civil manner. I was shocked at how easy it actually was to work together again. I glanced at my watch and saw it was already 3pm and we hadn't even stopped for lunch, we had gotten too carried away in our work I guess.
"Why don't we take a break for some food, we appear to have worked through lunch" I glanced around the room at Jackson and Liv who both seemed equally shocked at the time.
"I'll run out and grab us all something if you like, that way you two can finish up" she smiled over at me. I knew exactly what she was doing.
"Liv you don't have to, we can-" I started to protest when Jackson cut me off
"Actually I wouldn't mind getting this last bit finished if Liv doesn't mind grabbing us some food?"
"Sure thing, I'll just run down to Gino's and grab some of that pasta you love, pasta okay for you Jackson?" She looked over to him expectantly.
"Yeah I'm good with anything" he smiled politely in return. I watched as she grabbed her bag and exited the studio, leaving the two of us alone. I couldn't help but feel a pang of dread at the thought of being alone with him again.
"Do I make you feel uncomfortable?"
I looked up to find his blue eyes watching me, his floppy blonde hair had fallen over his face again and I couldn't help but think of how gorgeous he looked right now. I squirmed in my seat a little and pushed those feelings down deep inside.
"No, it's just hard after everything you know" I hoped he'd leave it at that.
"Do you ever think about me?" He asked, clearly not giving up like I'd hoped. I stood from my seat and walked over to the window. I had to put some distance between us, I didn't like where this conversation was headed.
"I thought about you everyday for such a long time Alice" his warm breath danced against my ear as he stood impossibly close to me. "You don't know how long it took for me to get over you, even now, seeing you again...I'm not sure I ever did" his hands fell to my hips and he turned me around so he was facing me. I'd squeezed my eyes shut as if that would shield me from the feelings he made me feel. "Look at me Ally" his voice demanded and I felt little resolve to stop myself from complying with his demand.
"Jackson please" I begged. I both loved and hated the way he made me feel. How could one person do that. Bring so much joy but at the same time so much pain.
"Open your eyes" his voice purred as I felt his hand stroke the side of my face, his fingers didn't feel as soft as I remembered, probably all the guitar he played. I slowly opened my eyes and my brown orbs met his icy blue pools and it was like I was transported to the past, before I knew it I was wrapping my hands around his neck and  pulling him down to meet my lips. The kiss started tentative at first, as if we were both unsure but it soon turned heated. His hand reached down my body and squeezed my ass as mine found themselves tangled in his hair. He walked me backwards and next thing I know he's lifting me up and placing me on the windowsill as I open my legs and invite him to stand between them. His kissed move to my neck and I threw my head back against the window as I enjoy his torturous pleasure.
"Ally" he whispers in my ear and his voice suddenly brings me crashing back down to reality. I halt my kisses and remove my hands from his hair.
"We can't do this" I exclaimed breathlessly as he takes a step away in effort to regain his composure.
"Sorry I..." he starts to apologise but this one's on me.
"It was my fault. I guess there's just a lot of mixed emotions in the room right now" I blush as I jump down from the windowsill and straighten my dress.
"I think I'm going to call it a day, have you got enough to work with until tomorrow?" He asked abruptly.
"Um yeah sure" I answered as I watched him gather his laptop and head out the door.
What the hell just happened. Why do I get the feeling he is upset with me. After everything I've been through the only person who has any right to be upset is me.

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